Buried Feelings

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Summary: Drunk Harry can't fight the chest monster anymore when Seamus calls him out on his buried feelings for his best mate, especially once he realizes Ron disappeared from the dance floor with a man who wasn't him.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


Harry Potter had never hated Seamus Finnigan more than he did right now. Everything was his fault. His confusing feelings, raging jealousy, and the utter possessiveness he felt towards his best mate was all thanks to Seamus and how he introduced all the Gryffindor boys to a Muggle dance club. Harry never imagined that Ron Weasley, his best mate, would take such a liking to the club. Never imagined his best mate would turn out to be bisexual, either. Yeah, that was a bit of a shocker, but Harry supposed Ron's Yule Ball behavior made a lot more sense now. It must have been confusing to feel jealous of both Hermione and Viktor and not understand why yet.

If there was one thing the war had taught Harry, it was that he didn't know Ron as much as he thought he had. Slytherin's Locket made it abundantly clear that Ron had been hiding a lot of things behind his easy-going and seemingly carefree demeanor. With Voldemort out of the way, it was a lot easier for Harry to notice that other people had problems and struggles of their own. It was also easier for Harry to focus on feelings of his own that he had been burying for as long as he could remember. And those feelings bursting through to the surface was exactly why Harry was glaring at the dance floor watching Ron as he shook his ass into a tall man's groin with his arms wrapped around his neck cursing Seamus to hell.

Harry grabbed the shot of Firewhiskey he had just ordered and downed it in a couple seconds flat when the man Ron was grinding with started snogging him. He desperately tried to ignore the stab of pain in his heart and the terrible urge to yank the dirty bastard away from HIS best mate. Harry tried to drink away the thoughts that HE wanted to be the one Ron swayed against, the one Ron made out with in public and in private, he wanted to be the one roaming his hands over Ron's lithe body. It was no use. The harder Harry tried to ignore his feelings, the worse they got whenever Ron was with someone else.

"Glare any harder and you might blow a hole through their heads," a voice said next to Harry. He turned to look at who it was and saw that it was the man he wanted to kill, Seamus.

"Piss off. It's your fault I'm like this, anyway." Harry grumbled as his attention went back to Ron and his dancing.

Seamus laughed and shook his head as he ordered Harry and him a few more shots.

"I take it ya finally figured out how you really feel about your best mate?" He asked as he handed Harry a shot.

Harry gave Seamus a dirty look before grabbing the shot and gulping it down hard. "What are you talking about? I'm only glaring because Ron has been dancing for forever now and I would like to spend some time with him this evening, but he's clearly enjoying himself way too much to remember he came here with me in the first damn place," Harry drunkenly rambled.

Seamus just looked amused at Harry's little outburst, which caused Harry to scowl big time.

"Harry, I think I know what it looks like when someone falls in love with their best friend."

Harry snatched another shot glass from in front of Seamus and downed it faster than he could blink. And as he reached for yet another glass, he was stopped. He looked up and saw Seamus's earnest expression and knew denying it was futile. It was only a matter of time until someone called him out, Harry thought, as he looked back to Ron only to find he and the man were gone. Harry's heart skipped a beat. Ron never went off with someone without telling Harry, so Harry wouldn't be stuck waiting for him. He quickly stood up from the bar and looked around the room furiously.

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