It Was Always Inevitable

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Summary: Harry loves Ron. Ron loves Harry. Neither has admitted it after five years, but the truth finally comes out in the end.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Auidsodd on Ao3


Harry Potter was used to the universe making his life infinitely harder. At the age of 23, five years post war, he was absolutely fed up with it because this current situation seemed more permanent than a prophecy ever did. Ron Weasley just had to be the one Harry fell head over heels in love with. It was a sick joke from the universe when it knew that that was the one person Harry would never be able to get over and move on from.

Ron was too special — too much already Harry's in all the ways he can be without crossing the platonic line (though it has, admittedly, been very blurred ever since Ron and Hermione broke up months after Harry and Ginny did). He was also the person Harry missed the most in the world and that was inexplicably proven true a few times now. The heartache when they were apart was worse than the deep yearning for more Harry constantly felt in Ron's presence.

What made matters worse for Harry was that he and Ron both came out as bisexual after their respective breakups. Knowing that his attraction could be reciprocated and it wasn't was a low blow for Harry. He tried to boost his self-esteem by getting out there and flirting with different people, but his heart was only ever willing to truly flirt with Ron and the redhead took them as practice attempts or jokes. Alas, his only comfort, and Harry knew how shitty of a friend this made him, was that Ron wasn't having much better luck in the romance department. Ron didn't even have to put himself out there — people were drawn to him like his red hair was the brightest light and they were moths. It drove Harry crazy and he had to swallow lots of alcohol to replace the bitter jealousy he was full of with a taste of something even worse.

In Harry's opinion, Ron seemed to be looking for something he wasn't finding. What that was Harry didn't know and wasn't sure Ron did, either. He was glad that his best mate wasn't getting his heart broken time after time, though. That would have been horrible to watch. Ron was the only person Harry had ever been able to comfort. He didn't handle it well when people cried, but like always, Ron was the exception. Harry never wanted to see Ron breakdown like he did after destroying Riddle's locket ever again.

Lately, however, Harry noticed Ron was starting to only pay attention to blokes who were up to no good. It scared him. He didn't have a clue as to why Ron was suddenly going down the path of fuck boys who actually had the emotional range of a teaspoon Hermione mistakenly and most wrongly accused Ron of having once. Harry hated it and tried his hardest to never let Ron actually go home with one of them when they went out to the bars and clubs.

That was why he currently sat in a booth with his best mate in a pub. It was Saturday night and had been a few weeks since they hit the town. Harry suspected that Ginny's recent engagement to Luna had something to do with why Ron suggested going out. Ron had finally grown comfortable with his position in the Weasley family, but he still bristled when Ginny hit milestones before he did.

"I'm going to grab us some more drinks," Ron said as he slid out his seat and grabbed their empty glasses. Harry nodded and tried not to watch Ron's arse as he walked away, but it was hard not to when Ron was wearing his oldest and tightest pair of jeans.

His line of sight was interrupted by a woman from another table. Harry forced a smile to his face as he looked at her. She was really pretty. Her strawberry blonde hair and pale blue eyes complimented her tanned skin and nervous smile perfectly. Harry forced the thoughts of bright red hair and brilliant blue eyes and freckles away and tried to focus his attraction on her.

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