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Summary: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley stuck under an invisibility cloak.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to weasleyship on Ao3


"Okay, that's it, I'm...done!"

Harry looked up, adjusting his glasses, at Ron, who was looking at the table scattered with their various assignments they had been struggling to finish. Hermione had abandoned them a few hours earlier, and the common room had emptied shortly after that. The fire was slowly dimming.

Harry set his quill down, he hadn't quite finished his essay...but he was ready to be done anyway.

"Me too," he lied, stretching his arms above his head. He glanced out the window at the clear, cloudless night; the full moon gleamed bright against the dark sky, and a thought crossed Harry's mind, "Wanna go for a fly?"

"Right now?" Ron asked dubiously. But then he looked around, noticing the emptiness, and frowned while shrugging. "Sure!" His frown turned into a mischievous smile. "Let's go."

Harry grinned and they both began tucking away their things in a hasty manner.

"I'll grab my cloak and map," Harry said as he edged toward the stairs.

Only a few minutes later they were under the cloak quietly walking down the hallway -well, as quietly as they could with their steps echoing. They stood close together and ducked their heads to make sure they were fully covered. Harry's skin prickled when Ron looked over his shoulder to see the map. For some reason, it was also making his stomach flutter. He held his breath as the feeling passed and was quickly snapped out of his thoughts anyway when Ron nudged him and pointed to the map.

Filch and Mrs. Norris were headed in their direction.

Harry nodded toward an empty classroom, and they slipped inside. Just as the door shut behind them, Ron's foot caught on the leg of a desk, knocking him into Harry, and they both tumbled to the ground, toppling over a chair in the process.

"Ow, fuck!" Harry exclaimed quietly, rubbing his hip.

"Shut up!" Ron hissed quickly, and they scrambled to get back under the cloak just as the classroom door burst open.

Ron and Harry froze, both sitting on the floor under the cloak, Ron's back almost touching Harry's chest.

Harry's heart pounded heavily as Filch limped into the room, ferociously swinging his lamp. "Who's in 'ere?" he demanded of the dark room, "I know I heard ya!"

As he stepped closer to where Ron and Harry were seated, Ron instinctively moved backwards, and Harry bit the inside of his cheek as Ron's back was pushed against him; however, he continued to watch Filch and his elderly cat. Mrs. Norris was getting dangerously close; Harry could see her whiskers twitching.

Harry exhaled slowly, his breath swooping Ron's hair off the back of his freckled neck. Filch swung his lantern in the direction of the noise and Harry clamped his mouth shut.

Eventually, mumbling obscenities about Peeves, Filch moved away from the spot and began walking toward the door. Harry felt Ron's body suddenly twitch, and he made an odd snorting sound. Harry nudged him, frowning. But Ron suddenly seemed incapable of holding in his laughter, and his body shook with silent giggles. Harry nudged him again as Filch turned back around.

Harry quickly clamped a hand over Ron's mouth, and silently prayed.

Filch limped in their direction again. Harry and Ron scooted backwards slightly, Harry's back was against the wall, and Ron was completely pushed against him, Harry's hand still over his mouth as he choked back his unstoppable laughter. Harry could feel the sides of his own mouth twitching now, Ron's silent giggle fit was contagious, and he was now finding amusement in the situation as well.

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