Ron's Big Ass Problem

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Summary: Ron has a big ass problem. No, literally. Over the summer, his butt had twice its size and left him unable to fit his clothes properly. With Harry's upcoming visit to the Burrow before the Quidditch World Cup, Ron is just trying to deal as best he can. When Harry sees how his best mate has changed, he can't help himself - or rather, he does help himself to his best friends ASSets.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to HamasakiKaitoCreator on Ao3


Fourteen year old Ron Weasley had a big ass problem. He means that literally. The summer after his 3rd year of Hogwarts had started out normal enough. He had played quidditch with the twins and Ginny, helped around the Burrow with chores, and penned letters to his best friends when he both remembered and had the motivation to do so. It was at the end of the first month that Ron's problem had began.

Ron had woken up and started to get dressed for a trip to see a distant relative when he stopped halfway through pulling on his trousers.

"Stupid hand me down.." Ron muttered to himself, throwing in a few curses for good measure, as he futilely tugged on the waistband. His pants wouldn't fit. Half of his pants didn't fit anymore - he couldn't get the waistband past the top of his thighs. Ron had started to think the Twins had shrunk his clothes while he had been asleep the night before until he finally managed to fit into a pair of pants.

Ron looked at the mirror, taking in the disheveled red hair on his head and all of the rest of himself. He was a little gangly looking but handsome, he was in good shape and had a budding four pack he was very proud of. Ron turned himself in order to look at how much his back muscles had developed since he had started using the exercise routine Charlie had told him about a couple of weeks ago. Ron stared appreciatively at the definition he could already start to see but all thoughts of his results from working out screeched to a startling halt.



And so began Ron's summer of humiliation. After having a loud row with the Twins, a mortifying conversation with his Mum, and a disheartening talk with his Dad, Ron had laid on his bed and lamented his rubbish luck. No, the twins had not shrunk his clothes. No, they did not play any pranks on Ron. Somehow, seemingly overnight but more likely over a series of weeks, Ron's ass had grown. In the few pants he had left that would fit, the fabric had to stretch so much to fit over his new bubble butt that it toed the line of decency. Each cheek was perfectly framed and the trousers looked as if they might rip any moment - unfortunately, due to the Weasley's limited income, he could not afford to buy any new pants until after they had purchased all of the items on their Hogwarts list. Until that highly anticipated day of glory, Ron had no option other than to suffer as best he can.

This meant enduring the teasing barbs from the twins, such as 'Look Gred! Our bubble butt brother is here!". These were only slightly more bearable than the pranks they came up with. Most recently they had cursed Ron so that anytime he bent over, a loud beep sounded over and over while bubble letters would appear hovering just above his lower back that said 'WARNING: WIDE LOAD ON THIS WEASLEY'.

Ron grit his teeth and did his best to ignore it all, telling himself over and over again that it wasn't a big deal. His butt was bigger than the average guy. If it had been his cock that had caused all of this, he wouldn't be feeling anything but a satisfied sense of pride. He kept himself busy, counting down the days until his best friend, Harry Potter, would finally come to stay for the rest of the summer. He would be arriving two days before they would all attend the Quidditch World Cup and Ron had been driving the entire Burrow Barmy with the excited anticipation pouring off of him as the day of the event crept closer and closer. His Mum had gotten so tired of hearing about the stats of the chasers playing for Ireland that she had cast the silencing charm on Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny for two days straight.

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