Shades of Gray

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Summary: Harry has been keeping many secrets from his boyfriend Ron. But now Voldemort is dead and he can reveal the truth. He's not the only one with truth to reveal.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter and LuciusMalfoyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to ScarletTokugawa on Ao3


"Blimey! You're really alive! I didn't think I'd ever see you again, mate," Ron exclaimed with his blue eyes blown wide on his lightly freckled face and body frozen in shock.

Harry was standing in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest. His best friend and lover stood before him. It was their usual meeting spot since they had hooked up in Fifth year. They hadn't seen each other in several months now and he knew there were rumors swirling around of his death. Circumstances had prevented him from reaching out sooner but it was almost over now. Voldemort was dead; he just had to tie up a few loose ends and then they didn't have to fight anymore. At least that's what he desperately wanted to believe. The nervous squirming of biting insects in his stomach seemed to make a lie of his hope.

Harry wanted to run to Ron and hug him tightly, kiss him, make up for all the time they had been apart but something held him back and his feet felt like they had run into a sticking charm. "Yeah, it's been a while. Sorry, I didn't have much choice, but things will be over soon, well sorta."

Harry looked back over his shoulder at Lucius who stood watching them with a mysterious smile on his face that could really mean anything in the world. Harry had wanted some moral support when he told Ron the truth. Lucius had been there through all of it and could verify everything he said, if needed. The presence of the older man was like a shield at his back that he could draw strength from.

"What's happening, Harry? And why is the ferret's dad here? He's one of them. " Ron glared at Lucius as though he could kill him with his gaze alone. His hand twitched near his wand holster. Lucius didn't react.

Harry took a deep breath. "Lucius defected from Voldemort over a year ago and has been helping me."

Ron scowled even harder. "Harry, you can't trust him, even if he wasn't a death eater, he's still a slimy snake. All Malfoys are."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Ron, you have to look past your prejudices sometime. Lucius is actually far more trustworthy than half the Order members I've met."

"How can you say that, mate? He's a pureblood supremacist. They want to kill people like your mum and Hermione." Ron gestured frantically in the air with his arm.

Harry sighed. "That's the Order's propaganda. Sure, there are a minority of extremists. There always are in every group, but most death eaters actually don't want that and fight against extremism now. They only want to strengthen the Statute of Secrecy and keep the wizarding world the unique and beautiful place it is. Any magic wielder is welcome to live and prosper as long as they adopt the culture. There are of course problems with some of the solutions proposed but those are open for honest debate. Overall, I don't think their goals are wrong and they aren't bad people. They want peace just like everyone else."

"Listen to yourself, Harry. They've brainwashed you!" Ron exclaimed.

Harry growled in frustration. The sound started soft but then quickly grew to a near roar. "No, they haven't!" He found himself shouting back. "It was the Order that was keeping secrets from me, from you, from Hermoine. The so-called 'adults' have been lying to us 'for our own good' for years. Dumbledore told me just before he died."

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