Harry Potter, And The Time He Royally Fucked Up

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Summary: Harry has royally fucked up you see. He is in love with his best friend. He also tells himself that he won't find out. Spoiler alert: he finds out.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to youareethreal on Ao3


Harry has royally fucked up, you see.


Harry wants to crawl up in a hole and die because how. the. fuck. did. Hermione. find. out?

"-rry? Are you alright ? I told you it's okay you know.. I won't tell him.. But, I feel like you should." Hermione sounded a bit concerned. Harry wasn't sure why, until he realised that during his contemplation of the quickest way to escape the situation, he started shaking and zoned out.

"No Hermione, he can't know. It's better off this way."

"Harry just thi-"

"No Hermione! I won't think about it. Ron can never know."

"Know what?"

Harry is absolutely frozen. Oh fuck . Ron was apparently behind him, for Merlin knows how long, and Harry can only pray that he wasn't there for longer than 3 minutes.


10 minutes before:

"Hey Harry, can we talk for a sec?" Hermione finds Harry near the fireplace in the Common Room. The Golden Trio came back for their eighth year, hoping to finish their NEWTS. Well, Hermione mostly wanted to finish her NEWTS, Harry and Ron got dragged along.

"Yeah, what's up?" Harry closed his book, looking up from his spot on the floor to see Hermione looking at him expectantly.

"Okay.. Um. Okay, okay I'll just say it." Harry was worried. Hermione is usually so sure of herself, so Harry was trying to prepare for the wors-

"Are you in love with Ron?"


"Are yo-"

"No, I heard what you said. What on earth do you mean? Of course I don't." Harry starts to panic.

"It is okay if you do, Harry. I'm okay with it, honestly. You know Ron and I barely made it a week without going back to being friends. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions, that's all," Hermione assured him. To say the truth, Ron and Hermione really were better off as friends. Besides, Hermione is inclined to believe that Ron had - still has - his eyes on someone else the entire time they danced around each other. "I know you do Harry, it's okay."

"Shh! He might hear. Ron can not find out. You don't understand Hermione. He deserves better."

Hermione gasps. "Harry, you can't possibly thi-"

"Yes. Yes, I can, because it's true. Ron has done so much for me. What have I ever done for him? I practically killed Fred, whether it's from my hands or not. I dragged him into years of near death experiences. I've never been good enough for him Hermione. He deserves the world and I can not offer him even a sliver. Nothing. I have nothing."


"Nothing. Nothing at all." Hermione looks at Harry sadly. Harry tried to retreat to his own room. Since not all of the eighth years came back, they all got their own room in a new tower built after the war. However, not even 3 steps later, he feels warm hands grab his arm, pulling him back into a hard chest, as another arm comes to wrap around his chest. "Uh uh, you guys can't keep secrets from me for that long."

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