Always On The Top

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Summary: No one ever gave Ron the freedom to be whatever he wanted to be. No one ever gave him the confidence to take what he wanted. It makes for a difficult task every time Harry tries to encourage those things. He enjoys everything that makes his husband happy and makes sure to give him everything he could ever need regularly. Including making sure he feels in control sometimes, because it's something they both need even if their instincts try to fight it.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose on Ao3


Bottoming was not something Harry did. At least he didn't do it often anyways. It didn't matter that between Ron and himself that he was the one that only liked blokes. Thinking a gay man automatically liked his arse being stuffed full of cock was a stereotype.

The feeling that came from bottoming wasn't a bad one per say. Harry just had to be in the right mood for it and have the right scene set. One like the one he was currently in. A complete weekend of play where his husband had been the best little boy all the way around. So of course he was rewarding him with a very hard earned prize. Topping his Daddy.

Harry was second guessing his decisions of the last few hours at the moment though. The first one being about getting Ron off beforehand and the second about working a nice vibrating plug up his husband's arse to keep his little boy moving forward. Sometimes he got overwhelmed mentally, causing him to lock up with insecurity physically too. It was going to be hard for that to happen with your prostate constantly being stimulated.

Ron whined loudly with want from behind him, continuing to rut against his arse like an animal. He was actually acting like a weak teenager that had accidentally discovered what an orgasm felt like and wanted more without knowing how to get it. It was actually incredibly hot knowing how lost his little boy was in pleasure as his long cock slid back and forth easily between his arse cheeks thanks to all the lube.

Even when he was on top, little play or not, Harry was very serious about prep work. He only ever wanted to make Ron feel good. The love of his life didn't need, deserve, anymore pain. So while he could rush things for the sake of getting to his climax sooner, he preferred the intimacy of prolonging the requirement. Luckily his little boy thoroughly enjoyed the process as a very tactile person.

Stretching his fingers out against their mustard colored sheets, Harry exhaled slowly. He was simply waiting for Ron to do what he wanted, although he was growing impatient. Occasionally Ron's erection would catch on his flexing rim making his chest constricting with anticipation. Instead his little boy couldn't seem to stop rutting against him long enough to push himself inside. It made him unsure if the whining was from his frustration or pleasure. At this rate he was going to have to take control despite offering his husband the reins.

Harry didn't truly mind. He didn't exactly like being used like a toy, he'd been used enough in life. Ron was the one that liked being an object of satisfaction which he always told his husband made him a beautiful treasure to own. Every time his little boy blushed something fierce that was almost dark enough to match his red hair.

If Ron wanted to use something for a change, maybe he'd have his little boy rub one out against a pillow the next time he wanted to come. No wetness or warmth to make it better. It was how his own erection was feeling at the moment, hanging heavy and neglected beneath him. Not to mention now that his opening had been thoroughly stretched, it was aching. As always it was an unusual feeling, but it was making him itchy with need just like every time he bottomed before.

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