Candy Cane Stabbings

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Summary: Harry and Ron are married and it's Christmas fluff and it's just cute okay

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Writersroom069 on Ao3


The party at the Burrow looked like it was in full swing by the time Harry stepped out of the floo. He smiled to himself as a small enchanted flying Santa zoomed past him followed closely by the sounds of multiple Weasley, Potter, and Granger children chasing after it. The smell of mince pies drifted in from the kitchen as he finally scourgified the soot off of his outfit and made his way through the house.

"No– James, don't run with that you're going to hurt yourself!" The sound of Ron's voice made Harry move a little faster. His husband was chasing their toddler around the table, trying to extract something from his hands.

Instead of helping, Harry leaned against the doorway until Ron finally caught up to their son and lifted a giggling James into his arms. The sight of it warmed his chest more than the roaring fire he had stepped out of only moments ago. Ron and James were in matching pin-striped suits – very similar to the one Harry was donning himself – that were a bit out of place for a typical Burrow Christmas extravaganza, but not this year.

"Why on Earth did Ginny and Mione want to plan a murder mystery for Christmas? Would it not make more sense for Halloween?" Ron had ranted to him when they had received the owled invitation. "Honestly, how are they going to make that fun for the kids anyways?"

Harry only shrugged and flipped the pancake in front of him before it burned, "Candy cane stabbing? Reindeer trampling?"

"Ha ha. So hilarious."

"Well you did marry me for my humor clearly and nothing else." Harry grinned at him over his shoulder. Ron just rolled his eyes. "What if I got us all matching outfits? You, me, James, and Rose can get those suits we see from old American detective films."

Ron thought it over briefly, "Okay that would be very cute. And seeing you in a suit is something I will never say no to."

"Ah yes, the healthiest part of any marriage: lusting over each other in formal wear." Harry snorted and turned the stove off.

Ron finally glanced up to meet his eyes and the grin was nearly blinding. James was already attempting to wriggle his way out of the arms of one father and into the other. Thankfully, Ron was wise enough to walk over to Harry so James could latch onto him in a shockingly tight hug.

"Dada, you made it!"

Harry laughed softly, "Of course I did. Just had a few things to take care of at the school before I could come play detective." He reached up to straighten the slightly lopsided bowtie at the collar of his son's shirt. "I see daddy let you do your own tie this time?"

And James, much like his namesake, gave a dramatic sigh, " No . Daddy tied this one. I look silly." He pouted and Harry had to hold back a laugh at Ron's indignant scoff.

"You look very handsome, I think." He crouched down and set James on the ground. "Just needs a little adjustment." It only took a few moments for Harry to straighten it and ruffle their son's hair. "There you go. Perfect."

James looked ecstatic as he looked up to Ron who was watching all of this with a gentle smile on his face. "I'm handsome."

That was all they got before he was taking off into the living room for his cousins. Harry shook his head and stood up. He took a deep breath and looked at Ron. "Hi, there."

"Hi, love." Ron pulled him in for a soft kiss. "Finish up all your work then?"

Harry hummed, "Would have taken me longer, but the last of the essays can wait till after Boxing Day. I needed to get here and be with all of you."

That earned him another kiss and Harry felt himself melt into it. For a brief moment he forgot where they were, letting his hands wander a bit under Ron's jacket. The moment was over before he could get too far. Ron's grip on his waist tightened as he pulled away. He moved his head to whisper in Harry's ear.

"Haz, when you're in a suit, I need you to not start something that you cannot finish." His tone sent chills over Harry's spine and heat coiled in his stomach. Normally he would be more than willing to nod and agree to Ron's wishes. Harry was happy to do so if it made Ron happy. That's all he ever wanted to do.

Maybe it was the way Ron looked in his suit. How the entire outfit was perfectly tailored in just the right places... It was making Harry feel bolder than usual.

"We could be quick. You always were the best at silencing charms." Harry watched as the idea rolled around in his husband's brain.

"Merlin, you are such a menace." Ron muttered as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes tight. It was a long moment before he was met by the sight of those gorgeous blue eyes. "No. Not till we're home." And then much softer, for his ears only, "And until then you will behave. Yes?"

Harry sucked in a breath through his nose and nodded a bit too eagerly, but it seemed to amuse Ron. There was another soft kiss placed on his lips – a lot sweeter than Harry had been expecting, given the tone he had just heard from those same lips.

"Good. Now, will you help me find a place to hide this from James? Not a bloody clue how he got his hands on one of the new products, but I am blaming Fred." Ron lifted his other hand to reveal the object he'd taken from James earlier.

It was a bit hard to keep track of the new products that the Weasley brothers came up with. Somehow the three of them were able to come up with multiple new ideas every month, which Harry was immensely proud of Ron for doing. But after the time that a three year old James and four year old Rose found the newer sets of skiving snack boxes and ended up with purple skin for a week, invention operations were permanently moved to Fred and George's house.

The one that Ron had now was unknown to Harry. It looked similar to their other fireworks products, but this one had a shimmering surface whereas the others were all solid colors. As he looked it over, Harry's head tilted and his brows furrowed, "What's this one even do?"

Ron got a mischievous look in his eyes that reminded him fondly of their days at Hogwarts. He linked their hands together and pulled Harry towards the front door. Snow was still gently falling, but there was not as much a bite in the air as there should have been. Enchanted snow. All of the fun, none of the hypothermia. Ron walked them a few feet away from the house and gently instructed Harry to wait there.

He watched as the love of his life walked even further into the distance. Harry could see him bring the object up to his face and it almost looked like he was whispering something – likely a spell – before using his wand to light the fuse and toss it into the air.

Harry stared at the sight unfolding before him. As suspected, it had been a fireworks product, only this one seemed to have a very distinct feature. Along with the typical dancing sparks of lights, there was a set of them that moved together to form an image. In this case, it was a phrase.

I love you, Haz.

Ron had his hands shoved in his pockets as he walked back over. Harry's eyes had moved from the display to the man standing in front of him. "They aren't fully ready to be sold yet, but what do you think?"

"Love, this is incredible. How did you come up with that?"

"Well, I actually got the idea from you, really." At Harry's confusion he explained further, "The snitch from your first match. How when you need it to open, you have to bring it up to your lips... I-I don't know it just kinda came to me last time I saw you do that."

Harry didn't waste another second before pulling Ron in and connecting their lips in a firm kiss. He loved this man so much. Harry loved their family, their lives, their lazy weekends of chocolate chip pancakes and movie marathons. Loving Ron was easier than breathing to Harry. His heart felt like it was going to burst in his chest and he didn't even think he would mind if that's how he went out.

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