Under the Sun and Free

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Summary: Dealing with the Prophet is never fun. It has to be done though if Harry and Ron hope to have a normal day out in public. One where people aren't shocked to discover that they are in a relationship.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Anonymous on Ao3


Somewhere under the sun. It was the only place Ron wanted to be. Aside from Harry's side of course. Now that was where he'd always be.

Ron held Harry's hand tight for comfort as cameras snapped. Diagon was cold, gray from the cloudy winter weather. It was also crowded with the community wanting answers. As if they weren't free to just be.

Harry answered each question swiftly. Better than he had since he'd told the first pushy journalist to bugger off. Ron desperately wanted to be anywhere else at the moment. Under the sun instead of having their relationship doubted.

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