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Harry was feeling terrible. He was almost done with redoing his 7th year at Hogwarts along with the rest of his classmates who had gone through the Second Wizarding War. Those classmates included Him. He was the person who caused Harry's stomach to feel fluttery and tied up. Harry didn't know what to do or say when he was around Him. The worst part was that He didn't seem to notice the change in Harry's behavior. Either that, or he was choosing to ignore it.

Harry was not looking forward to his next class, History of Magic with Professor Binns. The class was dreadfully boring, and most people either talked or slept through the entirety of it. The worst part was that He always sat next to Harry in that class and talked to him. All Harry could do was feel flustered and forget how to talk. Harry was never all that great with crushes.

Taking to Him never used to be a problem for Harry. After all, the two of them had been friends from the moment they met at the Hogwarts Express in their first year. From there, they quickly had become best friends that were practically attached at the hip. They always had each other's backs, even during the squabbles they had. When they fought, they felt terrible because of the separation. Despite having other people with them, it wasn't the same as being in each other's company. Lately, things had been changing for Harry, and he was feeling more than friends kinds of feelings for his best friend.

When confronted about why he was acting odd around Him, Harry had lied and said that he had a crush on Ginny, and he was acting weird around Him because it was His sister. And while Hermione didn't seem to fully believe him, she thankfully stopped pushing Harry to tell her the truth (although, this was only after she spent a whole half hour trying to coerce the truth out of Harry).

Harry entered the classroom and took his seat, waiting a few minutes before He would show up. That was another thing that changed due to Harry's recent development of a crush. He had began rushing to class faster in order to avoid walking with Him and accidentally ruining their friendship with his feelings. Harry needed to do something about these feelings before they completely separated him from his best friend.

Speak of the devil.

In came Him, Ronald Bilius Weasley, the boy Harry had developed feelings for. As expected, Ron plopped down next to Harry and began chatting his ear off. Harry couldn't focus on the words coming out of Ron's mouth, but he knew that Ron's voice was sounding lovely, and Ron looked lovely as well.

Harry was yanked back into reality by Ron calling his name.

"Harry, is it true that you fancy my sister?" Ron whispered with an unknown emotion lacing his words.

Harry didn't know how to respond. If he said yes, then he would either be ignored by Ron for a little while or would be forced to confess fake feelings to Ginny. If he said no, then Ron would want to know what was actually going on with Harry, and he would have to confess his true feelings, which could ruin their friendship. So, Harry went with the best option possible.

He ran away.

Harry sped out of the classroom and through the halls of Hogwarts trying to find a place to hide.

The Room of Requirement was destroyed.

The dorms would be too obvious, and Ron shared a dorm with him.

So, Harry ran to an abandoned classroom, the same one where he had once found the Mirror of Erised. He remembered bringing Ron with him. Ron had wished for fame and recognition since he felt like he had done nothing special, like he was no one in his family's eyes.

Harry didn't think that Ron was a nobody. Ron was everything to Harry. He had stuck by him through thick and thin. He had helped Harry with classes and been someone that Harry could count on for support. He had an amazing sense of humor and was an amazing friend. His chess skills were legendary. He was kind and loyal. Ron was amazing.

Harry wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with Ron. Side by side. He realized he had to confess his feelings to Ron. He had to trust that their friendship, which had lasted 8 years, was strong enough to be able to survive even if Ron did not reciprocate Harry's feelings. They might need some space for a little while, but in the long run, their relationship would be fine.

Just as Harry was about to get up to find Ron, Ron found him.

"How'd you find me?!" Harry was extremely shocked. This had been his go to hiding place the past couple of weeks, and no one had discovered it until now. Why did it have to be Ron of all people? At least he didn't have to hunt Ron down in order to give his confession speech now.

"Are you alright, Harry? You seem a bit down. Is something bothering you?" Ron asked with concern etched on his face.

Harry took a deep breath in and glanced up to look Ron in the eye. You can do this. "Ron, the reason I've been off the past couple of weeks isn't because of your sister. It's because of you-"

"What did I do? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do anything to-" Harry cut off Ron's rambling by placing a finger on Ron's lips in a silencing gesture. Ron abruptly stopped talking and his cheeks were practically looking like tomatoes with how red they were.

"Ron, let me finish talking," Harry continued while slowing removing his finger from Ron's lips. "I like you Ron."

"I like you as well, Harry. After all, we are best friends."

"No! I mean... er... yes we're best friends, but when I said I liked you, I meant it as in I fancied you."

"Fancied? As in past tense?" Ron asked with confusion clouding his features.

Harry internally face palmed at his stupid slip up in speech. Ron had obviously been spending too much time with Hermione. "Since when did you become a Hermione, mate? I meant it in a present tense. It was bad enough having to deal with one person constantly correcting my grammar mistakes."

Ron laughed at this and Harry couldn't help but join in. The two friends looked each other in the eye as their laughter started to die down. Harry was a bit worried since Ron hadn't yet responded to his statement. He began to get lost in his thoughts about Ron, and his fear that he would be rejected increased.

He was thrown out of those thoughts by someone grabbing his hand. Harry looked up to see Ron was gripping his hand and opening his mouth as of to speak. "Harry, I like you too. Like as in the fancying kind of way."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. Ron fancied him. Harry wasn't alone in his feelings as he had previously believed. Harry grabbed Ron's other hand and squeezed to show that he had heard him and that he appreciated it. Ron began to lean towards Harry, his eyelids fluttering. Harry began to feel a strange sensation in his chest that felt like a mini heart attack, but the good kind. It was getting more difficult to breathe, and Harry was sure that Ron was about to kiss him. Harry started to lean in as well, and soon, their lips met. Harry couldn't remember ever feeling as happy as he did now. His heart felt like it was going to explode.

Soon, the two boys pulled away, leaning their foreheads against each other whilst smiling.

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