A Throne Fit for a King

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Summary: Ron's down in the dumps after he discovered an article Rita Skeeter wrote about him in The Daily Prophet about why he left the Auror Office to work at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Harry decides to make Ron forget all about that pesky pest with the magical powers of seduction.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


Ron was sitting on the floor of the shower completely clothed when Harry found him. His head was buried into his lap and his arms were wrapped tightly around his legs. He was rocking back and forth lost in his own self-pity and didn't even realize Harry had made it home until he heard the water shut off and felt strong arms wrap around him.

"What happened, love?" Harry asked; his voice was laced with concern that only made Ron feel worse.

He refused to look at or answer Harry. The words of The Daily Prophet article by Rita Skeeter were still ruminating in his mind and he was far too humiliated already. Harry slid his hand in between Ron's head and knees and gently grabbed onto his chin to force his head up. Ron scrunched up his nose to let Harry know he wasn't pleased with that.

"I'm here to help you feel better, Ron, but I need to know what has you so upset," Harry pleaded with his best mate turned lover.

"I made the mistake of reading an article by Skeeter today while at the shop," Ron whispered while trying to hide his face again. Harry didn't let him.

"Oh, Ron; haven't we learned by now she's every bit the pest her Animagus form is?" Harry gently chided.

"Well, it wouldn't have been so bad if a customer didn't come into the shop specifically to see if the rumor was true and then said that the best joke around wasn't even available for purchase!" Ron snapped.

"Who the fuck said that?!"

"Doesn't matter; it'd be true no matter who said it. Skeeter may have wrote her first article that wasn't libel in ages. Figures it'd be me," Ron mumbled.

"I know you brought that copy you read home to torture yourself with. Where the fuck is it? I want to see if it's libel or not."

Ron pointed to a ball of crinkled paper on the sink. Harry snatched it up, smoothed it out, and began reading at once. His eyes narrowed dangerously at the headline of the front page at once.

Ronald Weasley: Hero to Zero?
By Rita Skeeter

Ronald Bilius Weasley, most famous for his War Hero status and being the longtime best friend and partner of The Boy Who Lived, Harry James Potter, was said to have handed in his resignation to the Auror Office two weeks ago. Weasley, Potter, and other friends and family have not been able to be reached for comment, but there are other ways to scope out a scoop so scandalous if one is so inclined. An anonymous source was said to have overheard a fight in the Aurors locker room between Weasley and another Auror.

"The other Auror was telling Weasley he should be thankful for his close proximity to Potter or else he wouldn't be where he currently was. Weasley argued back that Potter had nothing to do with things and that he's never once used his relationship with Potter to make things easier for himself. Potter walked in at the wrong moment and tried to intervene, which only seemed to prove what Weasley was arguing against. And then Weasley punched the Auror in the face for applauding Potter for coming to rescue his b*tch once again."

One does have to wonder why Weasley got so defensive if the claims made against him were truly unfounded. Indeed, his efforts during the war must never go unappreciated, but how far is too much appreciation exactly and are people right to question it if it seems too much?

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