My Bad Habits Lead to You

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Summary: Ron is set on a path of self-destruction. Harry wants to help him out. Problem is: Harry's the cause for Ron's downward spiral.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


🎶Every time you come around, you know I can't say no
Every time the sun goes down, I let you take control
I can feel the paradise before my world implodes
And tonight had something wonderful

Ron was downward spiraling with self-destruction and he knew it. How could he not by now? He wasn't new to this. It just so happened to be the most extreme he's ever gone. And really, that was saying something after sixth year and all the Locket Horcrux bullshit. But he didn't care. He wasn't going to stop. Not when the feelings he had were too much, too scary, and too far-fetched. Nothing would ever come of them and it was easier to run than to accept that maybe Locket Riddle wasn't so far from the truth.

Ron blamed Dean and Seamus for his current predicament. If it wasn't for those two, Ron would have never realized he was in love with his best mate. And that was the main reason for his self-destructive streak full of bad habits right now. It was hard to lie to Harry and keep something so pertinent from him. All it would take was Harry to push and ask certain questions before he spilled the beans because Ron would do anything for Harry. That's why he was trying so hard to get over him — drastic times called for drastic measures and all that shite.

🎶My bad habits lead to late nights endin' alone
Conversations with a stranger I barely know
Swearin' this'll be the last, but it probably won't
I got nothin' left to lose, or use, or do
My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space
And I know I lose control of the things that I say
Yeah, I was lookin' for a way out, now I can't escape
Nothin' happens after two, it's true, it's true
My bad habits lead to you

His two biggest bad habits involved drinking enough to get out of his own head (the confidence boost was a huge bonus, but it also took away all of his inhibitions; there was almost nothing Ron wouldn't do when drunk off his arse) and how easy it was for men to take him home for a night. All Ron wanted was to feel sexy. desired, wanted, and like he was someone's first choice, even if it was only for a few hours. And so that's what Ron did — he honed his cock sucking skills to perfection, mastered the art of bottoming, and he knew how to make men give him the dirty praise he so badly needed in order to feel like he was worth something.

Ron was getting ready to go to the club like he did every weekend. He decided to dress extra promiscuously tonight to hopefully attract a handsome bloke's fancy. Tight black leather pants clung to Ron's skin and left very little to the imagination as they rested low on his hips. His black thong peaked up over the waistline almost begging to be snapped against his smooth skin. A black mesh crop top tank showed off his long, slim torso complete with a bright emerald green stud as his belly button piercing. He tugged on his black dragon hide boots to finish the outfit for tonight. His shoulder length red hair was styled in a half up and half down ponytail. A last minute decision to add some eyeliner to go with his nails that were painted black with emerald green sparkles was made and then he was ready to go. Drinks and dirty dancing were calling his name.

🎶Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
My bad habits lead to you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
My bad habits lead to you

Every pure intention ends when the good times start
Fallin' over everything to reach the first time's spark
It started under neon lights and then it all got dark
I only know how to go too far🎶

Ron didn't care about what his friends thought if they chose to go out with him. They knew how Ron operated by now and have long since stopped trying to curb that behavior. Well, all except for one meddlesome friend of his that was once accused of having a saving-people-thing. Ron thought it was hilarious that he was Harry's latest damsel in distress when it was because of him that he needed saving from himself in the first place. Not that Harry knew that, of course, because Ron made sure as hell he didn't.

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