Ron's Cunning

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Summary: Ron chose his Christmas Gift this year in the form of Harry, but he wants to correct all his mistakes from the first night now that he knows what to do better.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to DarkQuartz on Ao3


Ron woke after only a couple of hours of sleep due to how much pain his arse was in. Morning light was barely streaming in through the frosted glass and snow, and he looked over to see Harry peacefully still sleeping. The room was cold, and he shivered for a moment, but the movement made him wince and wish he could go back to sleep.

He groaned as he wondered what happened, then gave a half-grimace half-dopey smile as he thought about the previous night's events. He reached into his pants to tentatively touch his hole, then recalled how angry and puckered Harry's arse was until he used some murtlap on it. He had ridden Harry pretty hard the night before and hadn't noticed the pain then, but everything from the waist down was screaming at him now. He tentatively sat up and swore under his breath.

He would not be riding Harry tonight. He would probably not get to ride Harry ever again. Not unless he managed to engineer another similar situation like this, anyway. Harry's potion book might contain the sleeping potion recipe, but when he tried to get up to fetch it, the pain in his lower back and bum screamed out so loudly that his bitten back yelp came out as a squeak.

He looked over at Harry, then sighed with relief when his noise didn't wake him. The murtlap was hidden away under the nightstand, so he couldn't reach for it right now, either. He gripped his hair in frustration and huffed out a breath, but when even that hurt, he groaned and slumped against his cool wall to relax.

He sat like that for several minutes, but boredom finally had him reach out for the stocking hanging by him. He pulled out some chocolate frogs (which he planned to sneak into Harry's trunk so he didn't realize that two were missing, the other two could have been crushed by stuff in the trunk), a box of Bertie Bott beans, a rolled up poster of the Chudley Canons he already had, then he plucked out a small pouch that smelled like Lavender. Wondering what she got when he got her nothing, he dumped the contents out into his hand before he made a sound of disgust when he saw the overly affectionate necklace.

That sound woke Harry up, and they started their day talking about Lavender and Hermione. He was a bit cheered up that she wasn't with McLaggen, but most of his thoughts was on getting Harry out of the room so he could take care of his bum. Harry didn't appear to have any problems, though he did see the other boy wince once when he twisted a bit while going through his stocking. Ron wondered if he left some bruises when he gripped his hip, and he couldn't help the grin that spread out while he shuffled his blankets a little to hide his his semi.

"Hey mate, why don't you shower first," he offered. "I'll clean up, shower next, then meet you downstairs."

"Sure," Harry agreed, and Ron loved that his best friend was easy to lead around. "I'll be ten minutes or so."

Ron waited until he heard the water pipes start up and rattle in the walls, then he slid onto the floor with a pained whine and crawled to his nightstand to grab the murtlap under it. He pulled his pants down, laid on his chest so his arse was up in the air, then reached back with both hands to carefully try to dribble a few drops on his hole. It took a couple attempts - the first landed on his left butt cheek, the second in his crack by the tailbone, but the third landed close enough that he could gently smear it around his sensitive pucker and felt how hot and angry it was.

Harry was so lucky to have a considerate enough friend like him to heal him. He wished he could get the favor returned. His angry pucker slowly got better as he continued to rub the potion in, but there was still a lot more pain deeper inside. He sighed since he wouldn't be able to reach that, but at least he got as much as he could. He fantasized about putting this on Harry's dick tonight for a moment so he could ride him while getting healed, and sighed when his dick stirred with interest again. "Tonight," he promised it out loud before he got up and carefully limped around to clean wrappers up, threw the maggots from Kreacher out the window, and put two chocolate frogs into Harry's trunk.

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