When all your promises are gone I'm the only one

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Summary: fem!Harry has just come out as a lesbian, and bi fem!Ron knows this is her one chance to woo her best friend before some other woman sweeps her off her feet.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Webofdreams89 on Ao3


4th Year

"Cedric kissed me tonight," Harrie said as she, Ronnie, and Hermione gathered on Hermione's bed to discuss their night. Parvati and Lavender had yet to return from the ball, which meant the dorm was quieter than normal.

Hermione's eyebrows shot up. "Oh? I thought he asked you to the Yule Ball to show Hogwarts' solidarity."

"That is what he said when he asked me," Harrie mused, "but then he asked to kiss me when we walked through the rose garden and I didn't know how to say no."

Fury overcame Hermione's face. "He made you kiss him?"

"Oh! No, it wasn't like that. I'd never thought about kissing him before even after he asked me to the ball, but then I figured I should just get my first kiss out of the way, you know?"

"Hm," Hermion said. She still looked like she wanted to hit Cedric in the face the way she had Malfoy just last year, but was calming down. "I'm not saying your first kiss is supposed to be life changing or anything, but in the future, you probably shouldn't kiss someone unless you want to, Harrie."

Sighing and running her hands through her long curls, Harrie said, "You're right." She scrunched her nose. "It wasn't even a good kiss. I mean, I felt nothing. You're supposed to feel something when you kiss someone, right?"

"I did when Viktor kissed me," Hermione admitted. She'd walked into the common room in a daze just last week, telling Harrie and Ronnie about how Viktor Krum asked her to the ball and then they made out in the broom closet. It seemed like a very un-Hermione thing to do, but Harrie wasn't one to judge. They were only teenagers once, after all.

"Maybe there's something wrong with me," Harrie said despondently.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Harrie!" Hermione assured her. "It just means you don't like Cedric romantically or just aren't attracted to him, that's all."

"Isn't he supposed to be the best looking boy in school? I should be attracted to him, right?"

"That's not how attraction works. It can't necessarily be predicted based on what other people find aesthetically pleasing."

Harrie desperately looked at Ronnie, who had yet to say anything.

"What do you think, Ronnie?" Harrie asked, nibbling on her bottom lip the way she did when she was nervous.

Ronnie lightly touched the back of her hand, an earnest expression on her face. "I think...well, I think you shouldn't kiss him again if you didn't enjoy it the first time."

"Yeah, you're right. He must have enjoyed the kiss because he asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him. I'll have to tell him I don't like him like that, won't I?" Harrie sighed. "Ugh, I'm no good at confrontation!"

Ronnie grinned and threw an arm around Harrie's shoulders. "She can battle dragons, dementors, and dark lords, but struggles to turn down a boy asking her on a date!"

Harrie bumped into Ronnie with her shoulder. "Hermione says it's because I'm socially awkward."

"Sweetheart," Hermione said, "you are socially awkward, but we love you just the way you are."

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