Defiance Begets Submission

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Summary: Ron is a defiant submissive partner to Harry who has a strong dominant nature that does not like to be ignored.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to audisodd on Ao3


Over the course of the last few years of living with Ron in Grimmauld Place, Harry had learned a lot about his best mate. He learned even more when they both finally gave into their mutual feelings and started dating. Ron had a side to him that only Harry ever knew existed and he cherished that immensely. The thought of another man ever discovering the sweet, submissive pretty boy his Ronnie became when sex was involved made his stomach churn with a ferocious rage. Harry knew he'd never let that happen, though. Ron was his and he was Ron's just like it has always been since they met, even when they didn't know it yet.

Harry loved their sexual dynamic. He loved being the only person in the world who could completely dominate Ron in bed, loved that Ron trusted him so wholeheartedly as to allow it, and loved that he could give Ron all sorts of pleasure in so many different ways before getting his own. It wasn't always easy getting to this point, but it was truly worth all the hard work and effort they put in. They learned to communicate better in order to avoid misunderstandings, especially when emotions were high due to unforeseen circumstances, and they also worked on understanding just what the other one needed in a relationship.

It was with these thoughts swirling around his mind that he finally decided it was time to leave work and head home. He knew Ron would most likely be there waiting for him and that brought a soft smile to his face as headed toward the Floo. It was going to be a great night seeing as it was Friday and he didn't work on weekends.

Harry stepped out of the fireplace at Grimmauld Place and was greeted with the most spectacular sight of Ron wearing booty shorts that showed off his seemingly never-ending long, lean legs and a Chudley Cannons crop top. He was in the kitchen bent over the treacle tart he was decorating with whipped cream and fresh berries. Ron's bright red hair was tied up in what he loved to call a man bun. All other thoughts swiftly left Harry's mind and all he could think about was the beautiful boy so carefully making his favorite food in the world. If that didn't deserve some very special thanks later, Harry didn't know what did.

Deciding he wanted to watch a blush color all the pale, freckled skin Ron had showing, Harry decided to make his presence known by letting out a whistle of appreciation. Ron slightly jumped at the noise, but quickly turned around to face Harry.

"I think you just gave me the memory that will power my strongest Patronus yet," Harry said in a smooth voice.

Harry smirked at Ron while watching the blush spread from the tips of Ron's ears down his belly button. Ron rolled his eyes at Harry before turning back around to finish his dessert.

"You look rather pleased with yourself for coming up with that one right now," Ron huffed.

"Don't be jealous, baby; you know I'll please you later, too," Harry teased as he made his way over to Ron. He placed his hands on Ron's bare midriff and caressed it. Ron ignored Harry's advances on purpose as he knew the effect it would have. Harry absolutely hated it when Ron acted like nothing was happening when he was flirting or trying to seduce him. His more dominant nature did not like being snubbed when it wanted - no, when it demanded - immediate attention from his submissive lover.

Harry tightened his grip on Ron and jerked forward into him causing Ron to mess up the dessert he was finishing.

"Harry Potter!" Ron exclaimed. "I spent so much time on this just for you and now it's ruined!"

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