It's not a joke, is it?

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Summary: Harry had to go to the Yule ball which meant he needed a date and Cho said no. There was no one else to ask and no one he wanted to go with except that's what he thought.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Vae_Bixy on Ao3


The yule ball was coming up just around the corner and Harry must be the only one without a dance. At least it felt that way. He had gotten turned down twice already and he was losing motivation to even go to the dance. What made the stupid thing important anyways?

The day was over and Harry was walking into the common room Ron followed behind him. "I asked cho" He admitted a little sheepishly. He hadn't wanted to tell Ron she turned him down but he was his best friend after all. He told him everything.

Ron looked at him curiously. The frown disappearing from his face. "What'd she say?" he asked a little impatiently. Finding a partner for the dance wasn't an easy thing for him either. He had even tried to ask Hermione. But she already found a date.

Harry fell forward onto the couch at the question. "You know what i'm just not going" He said decidedly. His voice was slightly muffled from between the cushions. Ron rolled his eyes at his friend. That must mean she said no."You have to" he said as he shoved Harry's feet over so he could sit down.

"There isn't anyone left to go with and I'd just have a bad time anyways' ' he answered through the mouth full that was the couch. Ron frowned, his eyebrows pinching together. He wouldn't want Harry to be miserable and no matter what he said he still had to attend the dance. "I'll go with you" He said through a shrug.

Harry rolled over so he was on his back legs still in Ron's lap. He gave him a look. Eyebrows curiously. "You know we're gonna have to dance, right?" he asked. Ron only rolled his eyes. "Yea so?" he said in confusion.

''Do you know how to?'' He asked, switching the subject. "Of course I do, '' Ron answered a little defensively. Then a sly smirk replaced the confusion on his face.

"Do you?" He asked.

"Um yea" he said then he smiled sheepishly. "Not really I've never had too" He admitted as he scooted up so his back was to the arm rest. The area tensed and Ron's once relaxed demeanor was ruined. Harry looked at him confused. Any time he mentioned the Dursley's Ron suddenly shifted.

So he changed the conversation. "But are you sure?" He asked.

Harry shifted a little feeling sheepish. Fidgeting with his fingers he finally put the words together. "It's just what if someone says something about it" He asked. Ron's eyebrows pinched together in either confusion or just at the thought. "I don't care what anybody thinks," he exclaimed. Harry looked up at him in surprise.

"Plus I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't want to" He said, shrugging his shoulders. Harry slumped back down a dry look overtaking his face. "Alright you ruined it" he remarked sarcastically. Ron only rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Do you wanna practice sometime?" Ron suggested looking away and at the fire. Suddenly seeming sheepish. "You know so you don't make a fool of yourself" he added in a light tone he said turning to look back at harry.

Harry only shoved him with his leg causing a sound to emit from Ron and him to double over. "You git" He mumbled but a smile was on his face. "Yea that'd be great" He finally bit out. It's not like he wanted to embarrass himself.

The next day just as the two planned they waited until everyone was asleep in their bed, everyone except the head boy and girl who were strolling the halls. Doing patrols and trying to catch students like them out of their beds at night.

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