The Unwitting Wooage Of A Weasley

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Summary: How To Accidentally Woo Your Weasley In Four Years Or Less.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to MagnusOpium on Ao3


Ron has always been sensitive about money. Harry noticed the first time he met him how he flushed bright red with anger when Malfoy insulted him over his hand-me-down robes. Ron bemoaned his corned beef sandwich and looked at Harry's pile of sweets with envy, as if he couldn't bring himself to ask his new friend, the famous Harry Potter, to share with him. Of course, the problem was easily solved when Harry pretended he wanted Ron's manky home-made sandwich and they traded sweet for savoury.

Harry has always had to be sly about how to help Ron financially without the Weasley blowing up at him.

After Ron's wand snapped after their run-in with the Whomping Willow, Harry could only get in a few words about buying him a replacement before Ron bellowed for ten minutes straight about charity cases and don't need to flaunt your galleons, Harry!

Harry remembered that time on the train and deemed a more subtle approach necessary. That Christmas, while he unwrapped Molly Weasley's handmade jumper, heart warm despite all except his best friends thinking him the Heir of Slytherin, Ron opened a long neat box and found a brand new Ollivander custom-made wand with a unicorn hair - which he would find out later is the brother of his first wand.

"Harry, it's too much-"

"Nope!" Harry says, simply. "It's a present. You've got to accept it."

Flushing pink and grinning wide, Ron punches him on the arm and then hugs him tightly, before pretending the whole thing never happened. He scoops extra scones onto Harry's plate for a month after it but Harry remains satisfied when Malfoy can no longer badger Ron about his taped up wand. There will be no more vomiting slugs.

Before Third Year starts, Ron's family goes away for the summer to Egypt. Ron comes back to school two inches taller and sunburnt something terrible. The dementors hit them all hard, Harry especially, but Ron buys him Honeydukes chocolates with the few remaining galleons he'd had from the Grand Prize Galleon Draw. They split them unequally (Ron taking most of them when he tires of how slowly Harry savours sweet things) whilst Ron smashes him in Wizard's Chess.

Sirius Black breaks into Gryffindor Tower, Harry learns how to summon a patronus, and he faints at a Quidditch Game that would've lost Gryffindor the Cup if not for the handsome Cedric Diggory's sense of fair play. It is a small but significant footnote in the story when Ron's birthday rolls around in March and Harry has bought him his very own Firebolt.

"Not going to give this one to McGonagall, are you, Hermione?" Harry says, daringly, as Ron's eyes go as wide as saucers.

"Harry..." He clutches the broom with two shaking hands. "Harry, I'm not even on the team!"

Harry grins. "No doubt you'll make it now. Malfoy and the Nimbuses his daddy bought him will snap in half."

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