Ron's Happy Surprise

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Summary: When Lockhart's spell backfires, the blast sends Ron and Harry onto the other side of the collapsed cavern. The magical accident binds Harry and Ron together. But it's not an equal bond.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Havens on Ao3


Ron didn't realize it at first, considering they were really focused on saving his sister, but the mess-up that Lockhart caused had some side effects. When Dumbledore and Pomphrey healed and scanned them when they got back, they found that he and Harry were bonded to each other. Nothing like those weird stories his mother and sister liked a lot. Dumbledore explained, "It's a simple thing really, you boys might be able to find each other easier, or share magical gifts, like Harry's parseltongue!"

Ron wasn't too sure how felt about being able to also talk to snakes, but the idea was cool! At first they talked about for a bit, and thought up all the cool things that it could maybe, possibly do. Like, what if they eventually could talk to each in their minds?! Their imaginations ran wild with it, and Dumbledore seemed pleased about the outcome they came to. Then he revealed that, because of the bond, they wouldn't be able to really be too far from each other. Like, the distance from one side of the castle to another was fine, or one side of the quidditch pitch to another, but Harry wouldn't be able to live with his relatives anymore. So eventually, he'll move in, and live with the Weasleys!

Although not for a few years. And Ron wouldn't be staying home either. They will be living at the castle for a couple years, so that Pomphrey and Dumbledore could monitor the bond and make sure it doesn't suddenly cause any problems. Although they will also be looking for a way to break it, just in case things go bad with it. At first Ron was kind of bummed that he couldn't go home, but they would be able to go visit, and he eventually came around to it too. He means, come on, who can say that they got to live at Hogwarts? He and Harry would be sharing a room still, as they'll just stay in their dorms, but it was pretty wicked.

But Ron and Harry found out the bond had a little bit more to it than the adults realized. On the first night they stayed at the castle, Ron casually just asked, "Hey Harry, could you grab that magazine for me?" What he witnessed was completely out of line of thought. He expected a little snark, maybe to have it thrown his way. He didn't expect Harry to mechanically get up, grab the magazine, and give it to him. Staring at his friend, he and Harry were very confused. Harry said that his body just moved, and did what Ron asked. Deciding to test it, Ron simply said, "Put the clothes away," and watched as Harry mechanically went around the room and sorted their clothes into their trunks and dirty hampers.

They tested it the other way too, but no matter what Harry asked Ron to do, Ron didn't feel even the urge to act, let alone automatically do the commands. They sat around and tried to think of why and what to do. Even if they told the professors, they didn't have a way to break the bond, and the two had to be next to or be near each other at some point or they would get hurt by the bond. Then it was as Harry got up to prepare for bed that Ron had a thought... And it wasn't a very nice one

As he stared at Harry, he started to really notice that his friend was... well cute. And then his mind went to those magazines that Fred and George once hid in Ron's room. Ron wasn't unaware of sex, he looked through those porn magazines and he learned a lot. Then he started replacing the girls in them with Harry, and his pants got really, really tight. As Harry was nearly to the door, Ron made a decision, "Harry, can you come here?"

His friend barely registered the command before his body acted, and moved in front of Ron. Harry just gave him a confused look. As he really stared at his friend, he was sure of his plan. Getting up, Ron commanded Harry to get on his knees. Reaching down, Ron undid his trousers, and quickly pulled them down, and Harry's shocked face just pushed him on. His dick was already rock hard, and he knew it was pretty impressive. He's caught glimpses of his brothers' dicks, he was easily bigger than even Bill. He held his seven-inch dick and commanded Harry to open his mouth.

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