But We're Safe Here, Under The Sheets

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Summary: It becomes routine over the weeks. Neither of them mention it, until one of them does.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to Lesbiansforgwenpendragon on Ao3


It happened for the first time just two weeks ago.

At this point, it hasn't been long since Harry has begun staying at Grimmauld Place, and no matter what he does to shut them out he's still continuously plagued with nightmares.

Then, after a particularly bad nightmare, Harry wakes up screaming. His breathing continues to come out shallow as he tries his hardest to calm himself down, but he's tangled in his sheets, his vision is blurry as his heart beats wildly in his chest and Merlin he just can't focus on anything.

He just about makes out the sound of feet hitting the cold wooden floor and then someone is calling his name.

"Harry?" The voice sounds alarmed, yet wary, and as Harry screws his eyes shut tightly he hears said person moving closer.

"Harry..it's only me mate."

Still struggling to get his breathing under control, Harry opens his eyes and raises his head to the direction of the voice

Although he can't see too clearly, the consequence of his lack of glasses, he listens again and instantly knows it's Ron, who sits on the edge of Harry's bed, and in a moment of panic he grabs onto Ron tightly in an attempt to bring him closer.

All Harry knows is that he's scared, and he's panicking, and deep down he knows Ron is one of the few people who can make him feel better.

So, he continues to cling onto him.

Ron, fairly unsure of what to do in such a situation, hugs Harry back.

"Hey, it's alright." He tells him, still not completely sure of what else to say, just knowing that his best friend needed someone.

"I- shit I can't-" Harry gasps out.

"You're okay, just breathe."

He's not sure how to tell Ron that yes, that's what he's trying to do, but he notes that it wouldn't make the situation any better, so he gasps for air a few more times, attempting to calm himself down yet again.

Ron brings his hand up to run circles on Harry's back carefully, as he remembers what his Mum would often do for her children in the circumstance of a nightmare.

This continues for a few minutes, and for a moment Ron is filled with concern at the thought that Harry won't be okay. Regardless, he does all he can to comfort his best friend, and slowly, but surely, he feels Harry's breaths beginning to slow.

Even when Harry has fully calmed down neither of them let go.

Not until Harry begins to sit back. But even then, as he starts to lay back down, he brings Ron with him.

Ron doesn't resist, doesn't even say anything, he just pulls the duvet over them both and settles into bed next to Harry.

Not once does he let go of him.

Neither of them talk about it in the morning.


This becomes routine over the next couple of weeks.

Even as the days get deeper into summer and the nights get hotter, their time is still spent clinging to each other in the early hours of the morning, Ron whispering reassuring words to Harry as he tries to rid himself of the memories of his nightmares.

Some nights Ron doesn't even bother getting into his own bed, and the two friends climb wordlessly into Harry's.

Just in case. Ron tells himself while he messes up his duvet in an attempt to make his bed look slept in.


Tonight is seemingly not different to Harry, as once again Ron joins him in his four-poster.

"It's normal..isn't it?"

The question takes Harry by surprise. Neither of them ever talk about it. It's just something they'd silently agreed on.


He stares at Ron's pillow to avoid eye contact.


Sighing, he looks at Ron properly.

Even in the dark, Harry, still with his glasses on, could count every one of his freckles if asked to.


"You know I...care about you, don't you?"

They both knew what he really meant.

"Of course. I care about you too."

Harry isn't sure what makes him do it.

Maybe it's the late hour, or the way Ron is smiling at him, or the mere prospect of somebody caring about him quite as much as Ron does, but he leans in anyway.

Through the stretch of time of Harry making his decision and his lips touching Ron's the other boy makes no attempt to move away, and when he realises what's happening, doesn't look at Harry with disgust like he half expects him to.

Not at all.

It's clumsy, of course, neither of them have a large amount of experience, but they make it work.

Ron's hand comes to rest on the side of Harry's neck, their skin tones contrasting so beautifully, and Harry feels the soft touch of the other boys' eyelashes against his cheeks.

This time, in the morning, they do talk about it.

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