Tickling Kisses

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Summary: Instead of finding Harry's sweet spot, Ron finds his tickle spot.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to YellowGumballs on Ao3


It was painfully hard to keep it serious and in the mood then your partner will not stop giggling and squirming. Out of all the times they had alone, this was not one of the times that filled them with satisfaction.

Ron had no idea that Harry was ticklish. The idea was so foreign to someone who basically became immune to tickling hands. Having two brothers who would non stop tickle when they wanted something or just because they could, made Ron quickly become the worst tickle participant ever.

Harry hadn't grown up with brothers who did that, the closest he got was that aggressive tickling that Dudley would do every now and then when he wanted to inflict pain on Harry. It wasn't funny, it didn't make him feel anything other than pain and embarrassment. Now was different of course, it wasn't painful but it was just as embarrassing.

Ron lifted himself up from the bed and gave Harry a look of surprise after he heard the giggling coming from his side. Harry, having his back to Ron, hid his face in the Weasleys' pillow, trying desperately to calm himself down.

"I didn't know you were ticklish, Harry."

Harry shook his head and continued to giggle, softly coming to a halt. He wouldn't admit to it, partly in fear that Ron would continue with his tickle spree, and partly because Harry still thought the moment could be saved and they could maybe get on with their horizontal activities before Ron's family came home.

That wasn't going to happen, they both knew that.

"Ron, please—"

"How have I never known you were ticklish?"

"You've never asked."

Harry said with a matter of fact voice, taking his head out of the pillow and turning over to look at Ron. Ron had a smirk on his face, one that Harry never liked seeing, especially one in this moment. Harry could feel the room become thick with air and a small shift on the bed. Ron was moving.

"Don't you dare."

"What? I'm not doing anything, Harry..."

Harry knew that was a lie, the hand moving ever so slowly to his back was the dead give away. He moved slightly away from the upcoming touch but wasn't able to go far before he felt claw like fingers in his sides, moving in a fast motion and making him shake and feel that bubble of laughter come up his throat.

Ron smiled and continued to move his fingers around every which way, then moving his hands around to Harry's sides as the golden boy shifted around to his back. Harry gasped and put his hands on Ron's wrists, attempting weakly to pull him away or at least give him a short break.


Harry gasped, losing his breath. This was far more different than when Dudley would do it, now a part of Harry wondered if he wanted Ron to stop. He knew the red head would if he really needed to, but he looked to be having a lot of fun watching Harry squirm around and breathlessly laugh.

Ron chuckled and leaned down, putting his chapped lips on Harry's neck and peppering kisses all around his neck and parts of his exposed chest. Harry found that even more ticklish for some reason, he couldn't even laugh anymore, the only thing coming out of his mouth was a wheeze and breathless laughing that could have been mistaken for nothing at all.

This is how all of it started in fact. Ron had tried to be romantic or at least seem like he wanted to be when he gently kissed at Harry's neck. How they had never done that before was a mystery, but it wasn't just embarrassing since it was a first time deal, Harry could feel the laughter trying to make its way out of his chest. He had stiffened and sucked in a breath, which made Ron think he was feeling excited.

Only when a snort came from Harry's nose did Ron finally realize that Harry wasn't getting stiff , he was getting stiff because of something else.

"Ok! S—top! Stop!"

Ron finally pulled away, his hands stopping and instead taking place on Harry's waist. The touch alone was making Harry continue to laugh, but he soon was able to calm down enough to take a deep breath. He rolled his eyes at Ron's face of happiness and rolled himself over and off of the small sized bed. He landed on the floor with a thud and finally got his breath back in order.

"Merlin, Ron!"

Harry laughed a little again and put a hand on his chest. Ron climbed down from the bed and put his hand on Harry's back, admittedly feeling bad that he had gone so far.

"Don't—ever—do that—again."

Ron nodded and helped Harry off of the floor. He didn't swear it, so Merlin knows whether or not Ron had actually agreed to that.

"Well that wasn't the activity I thought we would do..."

Ron mumbled, helping Harry onto bed. Harry sighed and nodded, he couldn't help but agree.

"We still have time, don't we?"

Ron asked with his eyes turning into an obvious begging tone. Harry scoffed and shoved Ron off of the bed, making him hit the floor and mutter 'ow' when he got himself up.

"No way. Not after that."

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