Be with me you coward

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Summary: Harry always stays at Hogwarts during Christmas and he's fine being the only one doing that. But this year, for some reason, his best friend, Ron decides he doesn't want Harry to be alone over the break. When Harry learns of Ron's true reasons for him not leaving he only has one question left. Who will break first?

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to mwells12 on Ao3


It was their 5th year and it was finally Christmas. Harry had decided to once again stay in Hogwarts for his Christmas break like he always did, he had expected everyone to leave and go home to their families who he'd assumed they missed very much like every pupil always did but instead, Ron offered to stay, he felt bad that his best friend would spend Christmas day all alone, as no one else was staying. Ron always went home to his family at Christmas, they were big on the holidays as all of his brothers returned home and Molly insisted on them staying for the entire break. Harry was, of course, apprehensive at first.

"No, Ron, go home to your family, it's Christmas, I'll be fine." he squeezed his shoulder and tried to encourage him. But Ron was persistent and decided to stay, saying,

"My family sees enough of me, don't worry" he spoke calmly, "I'd prefer to be with you anyways" he shrugged Harry's hand off and told him to follow him to the great hall for dinner.

They ate and talked about the usual things, before listening to Dumbledore's speech about good values and being kind to others and blahdy blahdy blah. It was the same stuff every year so Harry didn't put much thought into it and instead finished his meal as quickly as he could so he could escape back to the common room.

So now, here they were, sitting by the fire, on Christmas eve in the common room, with no other Gryffindors in sight. It felt odd and a bit lonely in prospect but something inside Harry felt warm, so he made his doubts float away. His conversation with Ron started pretty tame, pretty much just the baseline things that you talk about when you don't really know what to say but soon enough they began to move deeper and Harry noticed something even though it was incredibly subtle. Ron was inching closer and closer to him. They had been talking about crushes and it started to feel a bit like background noise rather than being in the very forefront of Harry or Ron's minds.



Harry blushed realising Ron was getting more bold. Or maybe it was just all in his head, it had to be, right, they were best friends.

"Ron" Harry paused, realising he'd cut him off, "why'd you stay?" he questioned, his emerald eyes staring deeply into Ron's.

"Cause i didn't want you to be alone of course" Ron swallowed hard as he realised Harry moving ever so slightly closer to him, "and i wanted to be with you" he was now staring at his lips, not being subtle at all.

"You wanted to be with me?" Harry was now looking at Ron's lips as he licked his own; they were now mere inches apart.

"That's what i said wasn't it" Ron replied seeming impatient.

"Then be with me, you coward" Harry said, wondering where this boldness had sprung from.

"I'm not a coward Harry, that seems to be you" he scowled, feeling Harry's breath mix with his own. "You're too scared to close the gap aren't you". Harry positively melted under Ron's words, feeling his dick harden as Ron towered over him.

"I'm just waiting," Harry replied breathlessly, "It's not usually my thing to move too desperately" He teased, forcing a soft moan to escape Ron's lips

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