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Summary: After years of watching Harry play Quidditch, something finally clicks in Ron, he likes Harry Potter. All he can think to do is tell Hermione, little does Ron know that Hermione has been receiving many people's confessions recently, including one from Harry Potter himself.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to mwells12 on Ao3


Ron loved going to Quidditch matches, especially ones which his best friend played in and his brothers. This one was like every other he'd gone to this year. He and Hermione sat in their usual area ready to cheer on Harry for around half an hour. However, this one was different and he didn't know why. But when he saw Harry hover into the air, on his broom with skin tight trousers on and a determined look as he eyed up the Ravenclaw seeker, something inside him flicked a switch.

His face flushed an embarrassing shade of pink. He looked away immediately to try to find something that wasn't... well... him.

His eyes landed on George who looked equally determined and he felt nothing apart from pride. He then looked at another player on the team in the same attire as Harry but he felt nothing.

Then he went back to where Harry was and there it was.

"Omg!" he said, a bit louder than he would've liked before he became thankful that the game had started and the crowd began cheering.

"Ron, are you OK?" Hermione said gently, placing a hand on his arm to try to comfort him.

He thought for a second and realised if he was any other boy, having a girl, especially one as pretty as Hermione, touch your arm might send butterflies straight to your stomach but nothing was happening.

Instead of replying, Ron stared at Hermione in shock.

He liked Harry Potter, like... really liked him.

He was then suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by Hermione pressing her hand to his forehead.

"You look hot and a bit sick, do you want to wait by the changing rooms instead of out here?" She had genuine concern written across her face and something did click in him when she said he looked hot but he tried to ignore it.

Before he decided to answer her, he looked back onto the pitch to look at Harry just one more time to see if he would have the same effect and unfortunately for him, Harry was there, almost directly in front of him, smirking and flying just behind the snitch.

He had a quick thought about how jealous he was of the broom that Harry was riding before he decided to move on from that thought, as he felt all his emotions moving to his dick and that was the last thing he needed right now.

"Yes please, that would be nice" he said, smiling, before Hermione led him off so they could wait in a less crowded place.

When they finally made it there, they decided to sit on the floor so that if Ron fainted, which Hermione expected to happen, he wouldn't fall far. Ron couldn't concentrate on anything, apart from Harry.

"Hermione, can I ask you something?" he asked sheepishly before looking up to try to plead if needed.

"Of course" she replied with her eyes radiating sympathy.

"I'm sorry if this isn't easy to answer by the way." He took a long breath before he continued. "Would you say, usually, men are attracted to you, in a sexual way?" After he said it, he simply wanted to die, he couldn't quite believe how stupid he was to think that she'd answer that.

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