Ron's Deception

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Summary: The third night with the third and final dose meant everything should have been perfect, but Harry wakes up and tries to ruin Ron's good time. Ron isn't going to allow that and will need to figure out how to keep his best friend and his best lay.

Ships: RonWeasleyxHarryPotter

All credit goes to DarkQuartz on Ao3


Harry thought it sucked to come down with the start of something on Christmas day, but he figured it was nothing until he woke up to his body locked up in a painful stiffness today. He felt awful and tried to uncurl himself from the fetal position he was in except two things stopped him - Ron was cuddling up against Harry's back, and his hand was under Harry's pajama. Harry froze since his movement had made Ron groan and grind a hard length up against Harry's arse, then Harry gasped when Ron stroked his chest because his nipples felt sensitive and the fingertips brushing against them had felt good.

Harry thanked Merlin when Ron made a snoring sound - it meant that Ron had no idea what he was doing or how Harry had reacted to it. He remained still and quiet until Ron stopped humping and touching Harry, and when it seemed like Ron was deeper asleep, he held his breath so he could silently wiggle out without making a sound of pain. He glanced around their tent and realized that he had been the one to scoot to Ron's side, and he understood why since it got freezing as soon as he crawled out of the warm den they had made the previous night.

It took a couple attempts, but Harry was able to shakily stand up though he had to use Ron's bed to help. He flushed with embarrassment when he felt something wet in his arse leak out, and with the stomach ache he had, he resigned himself to the fact that he might have just had a small accident. He shuffled to his trunk to grab his clothes and toiletries, then he limped his way to the bathroom so he could use the loo and then shower.

Harry looked inside his underwear once he was sitting on the toilet to see if he really had made a mess, and there were some wet spots so he shuddered with disgust then kicked his pants and underwear off. He could feel some more liquid leaking out, but as much as he needed to poop, he figured he was also constipated since nothing else would come out. There was a tinge of pink when he wiped his rear, then he flushed and turned on the shower.

Harry removed his top as he waited for the water to get hot, then he touched the nipple Ron had been petting and shivered. There was something very wrong with him since he shouldn't have thought about that, so he buried the memory of the morning and reflected on what he had dreamt about as he stepped into the hot shower. Harry knew his dreams the previous night had been pretty intense. Maybe it was because it was the first time that he was in a blanket fort, but he had dreamed that he was in female in a harem and Ron was a sultan trying to get him pregnant. For some reason, he had to eat some cream for that to happen, and Ron spoon fed it to him. Some tasted sweet and others had tasted salty, but Ron had told him they were going to have a wonderful family since Harry was being so good. Ron force fed him the last bit, and when he had looked down, his stomach was huge. He tried to wiggle away because he was embarrassed about being fat, but Ron had pinned him down and kissed his stomach and it had felt so good tha Harry had... a wet dream? Or not exactly? His dream got stranger because he started to lay eggs, and Ron had been kissing and biting on his neck as he gave Harry a handy.

Harry's wet dreams usually featured females though there was the occasional nameless male. This was the first time he had had one about Ron, and it was probably because Ron had been cuddling him and Harry had never cuddled with anyone before. If he were to be honest, he had liked waking up warm, but he wasn't sure how he felt about Ron humping his behind for a couple minutes. At least it was through layers of clothing, and Harry would just keep quiet about it since he had been the one to roll to Ron's side of the tent. It was also a bit of a relief that he wasn't the only one who had had an inappropriate dream, but knowing Ron, he had probably dreamt about Lavender rather than Harry. It made Harry feel like he was a little bit more the pervert for dreaming about Ron, then he pushed all of it away since Ron couldn't possibly know and Harry could safely forget about the whole thing.

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