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Later, you both went to sleep while cudding with each other.....Taehyung was slept quickly because of the tiring day , but you were staring at his sleeping figure while leaning your hand on is chest and resting your face on your back of your hands.....

"i just can't believe that i was married with a most handsome man in the world and the most wanted idol V from BTS" you just chuckled at your own words and " i don't believe that you loved me ......i'm a mere normal person from a normal family....but how could you loved a person like me....how Taehyung shii????.....how????... still i can't believe that i'm your wife....i can't able to believe what is going in my life?.....i think i'm dreaming".....

while saying this you layed your head on his chest but....." you are not dreaming baby!!!" hearing his deep voice you heart skipped a beat...still your heart skipping a beat while hearing his deep voice after spending your days with him.....you just shot up from his chest and saw his eyes...it was filled with pure lust and love....

you were getting nervous so you tried to get away but he was too fast to hold your wrist and pulled you on the bed....now he was hovering above you....." T__Ae hy--ng shii....yo--u did--n-t sleep yet??" you just facepalmed yourselfon your mind  for shuttering...." " i think someone what punishment for disturbing my sleep....i thought to leave you tonight....but yours  blabbering makes my sleep disturbed so what if i  give punishment to you...." he said while smirking.....

(as you know the punishment will went long)

the sun rays hitting the beautiful couples face by disturbing their wonderfull but tireful sleep.....because of the sunrays ...you can't able to sleep... so you slide inside the blanket to hide from the rays and hugging your husband for the comfort which you wants.....both were sleeping peacefully while cuddling.....suddenly Taehyung's phone started ringing....Taehyung trying his best not to disturbed your sleep and attended the call.....

" yahhhh!!! Jimin ah....why are you calling this early morning?.....don't you know my wife is sleeping...how can you disturbed her....???" he said with a angry tone but really not ....Jimin just chuckled at his words " yahhhh..... pabo....it was 10 in the morning...so its better to wake your wife and get ready to go out ...otherwise we will come there....then your wish..." with that saying he cutted the call.....

Taehyung was shocked to hear that they slept for too long...." Baby!!!Baby!!! Asalamualikum!!!! wakeup Jagiya.....it's already late....they are waiting for us...." he just waking you up with his soft yet deep voice " please let me sleep for  sometime....you didn't allowed me to sleep till early morning...."he just chuckled at your complaining sleepy voice "you are the one who asked for mor...."your eyes shot open by hearing his nasty words so  you just cutted his words by closing his mouth by your palm...." shame on you...how could you talk like this to your wife....pervert...." 'am i? am i  pervert ?" by saying this he started tickling you....and the room was filled with your both laugh and giggles ......then he suddenlyhe whisper near you ears in his deep voice "you have a surprise!!!" .....you got chills down to your spine....while his breath his your ears.....

"your surprises always makes me overwhelmed Taehyung ah!!!".....by saying this you ran to the washroom while locking the door.....Taehyung was surprised how you called him in casual tone....and he liked it too ......

after getting freshenedup you  went to see the surprise which taehyung was prepared for you.....you all went to the dock and you see some people doing fishing... and you thought that Taehyung bring you to do fishing with him....but suddenly your eyes got blocked by some cloth and you were tensed and started panicking yourself....." shhhhh!!!! It's me baby!!....don't panic....i'm with you...hmmmm trust me....come follow my lead .....

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