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All the members were really in a dilemma thinking about Taehyung....what will happen to him..what he is in danger or what if did something which the whole Korea will going to affect.....they are having so many negative thoughts..they didn't informed taehyung's disappearance to his parents..they only informed to BangPdnim ....

All are in the meeting room.." i already told you ..that if something will go wrong i'll sue you all...i warned you that time when you were came back last only convinced me for the permission..." BangPdnim pointing Jungkook...." You said everything will be fine..we are just going to spent time with her...again i'm asking you ...who is she?..why she is so important to you that one brat went to search for her...what is going on here?.." BangPdnim was in his high...he just spatting harsh words on them...

they are going to face too much loss because of You and TAehyung.....Jungkook just thinking that if Really Taehyung went to help you that he is the happiest person in his life but what if he much questions were wandering in his mind...they all tried to contact Taehyung but no was switched off......


Finally , you both reached the place which you both meet with each other for the first time..MUMBAI ...        

No one knows taehyung was taking you were still unconsious....because of choloroform....after reaching the apartment which atehyung was already booked only for you two.....he booked the whole building for your safety   { bruhh😜😜🤣🤣}

He already filled up the apartment with the basic needs....after reaching MUMBAI, then only he  knows that there  was a virus spreading all over the world...and the city was in quarantine....

Taehyung was waiting for the two hours ...still you did'nt gain your consious....he was worried about your state and suddenly.." Jaan...Jaan...don't leave me please i need you please.." with that you wokeup with a sudden jerk.,, after analizing your surroundings you realize you are not in a marriage hall...then suddenly reality hit you that you were  with Ayerin but how you ended up here....then you witnessed Taehyung infront of you having a glass of water in his hands...when he try to approach you...." Don't you dare !!!...Taehyung..Don't you dare.....don't come near me...." you just fuming in anger by seeing him infront of you...

"how i ended up here...who done this?...."you were screaming with your lungs out... " Just calm down baby..please calm done...." " how dare you call me like this?..i already said that i'm nothing to you...." " ok !!!...just please calm down i'll tell you the truth please...please..." he just begging infront of you....calming your mind you ready hear him...he explained the whole thing which him and Ayerin done together...still you don't want to be with him... so you try to go out from there, but, suddenly you hear the news about the lockdown was going on through the whole world because of dangerous virus.....

so you don't have anyother choice but accepted to stay there..." don't be happy..i'm staying here because i don't have choice...but it doesn't  mean that i forgave you..i'll never do that...I HATE YOU..I ALWAYS HATE YOU for what you have done to me...better don't come infront of me here after i hate your presence around me...if you try to approach me...then i'll end up better be in your limits..." by saying this harsh words to went to your room...

Taehyung accepted the fact that you'll never gonna forgave him but still he is doing his best to take care for you....
After that ,you and him never saw eachother..whenever he see you infront of him he will hide himself...he thonks that he don't want to hurt you anymore by his he always hide from you...he always cooks for you..but you'll never eat...sometimes you'll cook for yourselves but you don't know  how to cook other than you were fed up of eating maggi ....

One day , when you were in your room, you spelled something can't control yourself but went to see what was that...TAehyung was cooking were hungry but you don't know how to go and ask for the food....your ego not allowing to accpet what was prepared by him....but you stomach not were in a dilemma....suddenly Taehyung sense someone's presence, there you were fighting with yourself by thinking to go and eat his food or not....knowing your difficulty he went from the kitchen to his room...

then you went to the kitchen and served some food for you on the plate and silently went from there to your room....there Taehyung was standing in his room watching your doings....seeing you like this he felt relieved that you becoming normal...and this is want he want ,,,... nothing  more...finally he went to eat .... after finishing lunch taehyung started washing the dishes..that time you came with your dishes...seeing you there,,,he just quickly went to his room without glancing you....

When you saw him in the kitchen,you heart skipped a beat...still this heart beating for just scolded yourself by coming out without thinking twice...after seeing you coming, you saw that how he suddenly left from there to his felt bad that because of you he is like this but after thinking what he've done to you think you are right...

ITS BEEN 1 MONTH, you were living with him...without speaking with eachother....but seeing your stubborness day by day Taehyung was deeply in love with you...he don't know why how his love became so deep for you..... whenever he sees you...everytime he is falling for you deeply....
LIKE everyday...he made breakfast for you ,,,,but you didn't came to eat,for lunch you didn't came.even for evening snacks you didn't...he felt something wrong,...

now he was standing infront of your room door,he is just fighting with himself to opn the door or not....again your words echoing in his mind "if you ever try to approch me then i'll end up my life"   .leaving a big sigh he went to his room.....again you didn't came for dinner also....he became worried ....then, at the midnight when he came to drink water ,he heared some whimpers from your room....quickly he came inside and saw you whimpering and growling while holding your stomach.....

Taehyung came near you and slightly touched your forehead ,you were burning ....he didn't know what to he went to get water and towel and came back to you....for the whole night, he was taking care of placing cold water damped towel on your forehead....for the every two hours he is doing like this...he didn't even slept for a second.....when you came back your concious, you saw he is sleeping near your hand while holding your sleeves just trying to gst out from his grip but you can't.....

suddenly you felt like throwing up so you were trying to get up ...because of your cramps you can't,sensing your movements Taehyung wokeup from his sleep and you were tryiing to getup...but suddenly you thrownup on were shocked by your own behaviour but what to do happened..again you started throwing up...for your surprise, Taehyung forwarded his hand and catch your thrownup in his are just shocked by seeing his behaviuor for you....finally you got up and went inside the washroom...

TAehyung followed you back and hold your hair in a fist and he helped you to cleanup..." Change into this...and come out ..i'll prepare a soup for you ,you'll feel better...." you just nodded your head and he went to make soup and lemonade for you....even he prepared a hot pack for you...yes he found that you were on your periods he made hot chocolate also......

after all the chaos , you again gaining feelings for him but you are doing your best to avoid that feelings.....after three days ,you fever went gone and you always staying in your room...nowadays you allowed Taehyung to come in your room and he always feed ddidn't denied ,after what he did to you....he always talked with you while feeding you...but you only nodding yes or no....TAehyung felt happy that you allowed him to do whatever....but still he is afraid of her...... 

ITS BEEN A 2 MONTHS, you are eating with him regularly....after eating you staraightly went to your room....this makes TAehyung bad...because for the whole day being in a room ...makes him today he gathered his courage to ask to came out from the room....."Y/n ..." you saw him with knitting your eyebrows together..." don't mind me...for the whole day spending alone in a room,,,,its better to freeup ypurself and come from your room'll feel good...come and watch T.V.or do somthing...don't dumbped yourself in a room....

you just gave a glare to him and try to speak " ahhhh ... it's ok ...if you don't want to don't...if your comfortable you's your decision...ok i didn't compel you or said anything to you...sorry...." he just the things with one go and closed the door behind him.....seeing his terrified reaction can't control your smile....and decided to go out ....
there TAehyung was in starled thinking that what if you again burst out on him.....

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