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it's been two days you and Ayerin were staying in that hotel... after TAehyung and Jimin's dismissal.......there is no sign of Taehyung, no calls , not even a single message....you are sensing something wrong going to happen......your thoughts was interuptted my Ayerin " let's leave babe!!!...." you were confused at her statement " ahhh!!!...." " are you going to stay here forever?....ahhhh ... i don't want to stay here anymore....without my honeycake....this place feels empty....." you just scoffed at her dramatic behaviour.....again your thoughts filled with your husband.....

" just ask them how much we have to pay ...then only we will ask abbu to send money for this...." " there is no need babe...payment was already done by your husband...infact, he paid for till upcoming week...." " what ???" you were surprised by him....then you starteed crying by thinking about him.....

                   you both were getting ready to return for India...there was so much happened in these past few days....you are reacalling the things which was happened here.....you already informed about your arrival to your father......you packed all the things including Taehyung's belongings too.....YES... you took some of his clothes for you...you can't sleep without wearing his clothes....so you took some for you while packing his things....


you've arrived at the airport , your father was waiting for you....for your surprise your brother also came with him....you and Ayerin went near them and hugged your father tightly while sobbing hardly.....Your father was confused by your sudden outburst....." i'm really missed you soo much Abbu....really missed you...." hearing your words he smiled at you while pulling out from the hug and careesed your head ...." don't worry , now you here, i'm not going to leave you hmmmm....let's go...." your father forgot about Ayerin's presence....seeing his behavior Ayerin scoffed and taking her luggages...." yahhh!!!! trouble maker, Do you want me to  invite you to come with us....just come fast...." Ayerin just smiled at his words and went to join with you....

after reaching home, your mother feed your favorite foods....there, someone is fumming in jealous...yes!! your brother...he never like the way your parents treated you.....after finishing your lunch , you went to unpack your things...your mother came to your room and asked about your therapies " hmmm... dear how was your therapies ....is that good? did you ..." your mother heasitated to ask you about your old memory......you decided not to tell them about your memory came back.....

"no ammy!!!....i didn't get back the memories...." your mother left a big relief sign...you were confused by her behaviour...and felt suspicious too..." it's ok dear...don't worry..maybe it's not useful for your better future so it's better to not come back....you have to live your present and future...don't think too much ahhh...take rest...." you were confused but shrugged your thoughts and took one of your husband's hoodie to wear and went to sleep.....



after reaching seoul, taehyung try to contact you but Jimin refused to do that..." Yahh!!! TAe....don't...what if our company track our numbers...it's dangerous act so....." "JIminah... i'm using my private number which was no one known about this...only you, Kook and my wife...so i have to...i don't want her to stress herself by thinking about me....." " she will understand ...ok don't take risk...just be patient ...after solving the problem we will contact her ok....just have little patience bro ....." by saying this Jimin stopped him from contacting you......

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