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IT'S BEEN 6 MONTHS, Taehyung (a) Tahoor was successful in his learning.... he learned all the things which a muslim must know...he even learned how to recite Qur-an ... and he is in the process of memorizing the Qur-an....Moulana felt proud of him that how he learned all these in very short period...Taehyung has strong learning ability that he easily and quickly in learning things.....

After a getting a huge response for their new song DYNAMITE, Big hit organised a part for celebrate the success.....DYNAMITE , just broking all the records in K-pop all are getting ready to attend the party...Taehyung refused to go there, because they definitely offer Alchohol... so he don't want to indulge himself in haram things so he refused......all are went to the party except Taehyung......

In that party , they organised some strippers to enjoy them.....but all are refused....being the maknae line, Jungkook and jimin were in drunk mode they enjoying that girils girl came there witha seductive smile and offer them a drink and one girl started Kissing Jungkook...he also gave up and started kissing.....but suddenly he saw your face infront of him and he suddenly pushed that girl and left to the washroom....guilt ran through his body and started crying infront of the washroom mirror.......

Same happened with Jimin....he felt he was betraying these 6 months he never felt or think about Ayerin,, because of their busy schedule, he never think about her... but suddenly he felt a pang in his heart and went outside to call Ayerin.....


When Ayerin was in the process of cleaning your face with a damped towel... she get a call....without seeing the ID she took ...." hello!!!..." " Hello!>>"...her heart skipped a beat hearing his name...and she saw the id it was not his number..." hello!!!... who is this?" " i think you forgot my voice in these months>>> ahhh mianaeho...." she can't able to control her tears...because there is no single day she think about him....she was madly in love with him that she rejected 5 proposals which came for her,,......

"It's not me Jimin shi...i think it's you who forgot the promise also....but never mind i'm not surprise about you forgot after getting a girl there for yourself and..." " i love you baby..." her words was cutted by his confession......Ayerin was paused for a second and.." i think Jimin shi you dialled a wrong number and confessed to the wrong should re-check the numbe..." " i love you and i'm sorry for my behaviour Ayerin ah....." again he cutted her words by his confession....

" i know...i know...i didn't contact you...i accepted the fact also that i didn't even think about you in these months...what can i do...the schedule was so tight that i can't even think about anything...but after what happen felt like my whole world was crashed ...i'm feeling like lifeless....i always wonder that something is off in me...just now i realised that i'm off because i was not with are not with me..." 

He paused for seconds and"do you still love me?? Ayerin ...." " i don't know Jimin shi..." she said while seeing your laying figure " and...i think we should move on ... cause what if you fall out of love here after... because long distance will never work so....." she just left a big sigh and how is " you tell me how are the others is taehyung?" Jimin felt that she is not in a state to talk further about them,... so he also stopped asking her and " hmmmm... All are fine..we just enoying our success in Dynamite songs......and about Taehyung he didn't attend ...cause he don't want to indulge himself in a hhhh what Y/n alsways said..hmmm.. ahhh HARAM... yes HARAM he didn't attend..." 

Ayerin was confused by his words" What do you mean by HARAM....?" " ahhh ... i forgot you inform that TAehyung reverted himself into he is Tahoor he became how MY little devils she will happy by hearing this right?... how is she...? really sorry i forgot to ask about is she?where is she?... still his father compelling her for marriage?..." Jimin just bombaring his questions and Ayerin were in her thoughts that what doctor said about her condition....

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