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After visiting durgha they returned to some open restaurant and they ordered for thier own and hoseok asked" you seems very close to each other ahh?" "yes""yes" Y/n and Ayerin replied in unison.all are smiled by their reply and Y/n " im from a muslim family and she is from hindu we were friends since childhood and we are neighbours also. she likes to do things that we follow in our home and her aunt also reverted muslim so ayerin has some interest to know and do things in islam." "yes! i like to do pray with her ,to fast with her family like that but i dont have urge to be a muslim" hearing her words you felt little bit sad about her opinion then only you know that she is not interested in these things and.." oh then you always stick to each other right?" jimin said wih excitement dont know why >

                          Yes we always ,but in some time we got seperated in high school i studied different course and hers different but we again became one in college by getting same course."" her father is really strict to accept to leyt her join in college .her parents even tried to get her married to his cousin because of his mother she got escaped because of that onlt she sacrificed her dream to.." you stopped her by saying anything " what ? she sacrificed her dream means?" namjoon asked . " she is very much interested in sports so she joined in college cricket team she also started going for practice without knowing to his father but her mother knows all and supported her she really very awesome player she is all rounder because of her relatives comments her parents stopped her training "> yoongi asked" what her relations said ?" " her skin became tan and her complexion became black compared to her body colour so because of her training she became like so she dont need to go ,if she want to study she have to stop go for training otherwise we will get her married to his cousin ,so she accepted to withdraw her dream and statred to study further." you just got tears in your eyes by thinking that how your life changed within no time.

                         All members consoled you, you just want taehyung also console you but he didnt he just scrolling his phone you just felt bad that why he is not even seeing you and thinking that you are not looking that much good in his eyes,you felt bad for yourselves... ayerin again" you know what sometimes her father thinks me that this all happens because of me,, im the one who is teaching her things like this , sometimes he restrcited me to meet her because if she commited a sin being with me" with that saying she smiled sadly." what sin you are talking about? is there anything you guys hiding from us?" jungkook asked. you said " no!no! its like any serious , for him what i fall for someone or liked someone without his consent?" you just looked taehyung by saying liked, he also stared you for some minutes and turned his gaze." you mean loving someone is crime for him?" Jin asked.

                                                      " yes! if she love someone for the next second she was dead when her father knows ," ayerin finished with a irritated tone." how can a father be like this? i never heard a father like this to his daughter? i think he is such a..." before completing the word " stop Jimin shiii i dare you to complete a single word against my father!" everyone was shocked by your behaviour and ayerin squeezed your hands and you just came back and realised what you said then" im really very sorry very sorry Jimin shii i didnt mean to talh you like this when you said about my father i just .... really sorry " with that saying you just started crying vry badly Jungkook's heart aching by seeing you like this and " its ok its ok Y/n shii i'm sorry i didnt mean to say that i just lost my control while hearing how your father really sorry please dont cry." 

"i know my father is like this but its isn't his fault he just want me to be safe in this cruel world and i dont want to became a bad daughter for them thats why i accepted thier deal ..i just want to be good and perfect daughter for them want to make them proud and im trying also by not loving someone but i dont know what will happen in future" you said by staring at taehyung, yes you just madly liking taehyung even if he didnt talked with dont know why you just becoming crazy about him more than before.

         Aftersometime they went to other places and stopped near the panipoori shop [famous snacks in india}

         Aftersometime they went to other places and stopped near the panipoori shop [famous snacks in india}

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you just started eating with other members and explaining them to how to eat that ...then only you realised that taehyung cant eat spicy food being your bias you know all about him and you just stopped him by pulling hem of his sweatshirt and " ayerin he cant eat spicy so dont give him ok you eat just tell the shopkeeper to give without spicy " you said to ayerin  and she said "yah we have to eat spicy only then only it will taste good and whodo you think that he cant eat spicy how do you know? you are not his girlfriend right ? then how? .." without finishing her words you said " i know all about him because he is my bias and if you want to eat spicy you eat dont force him and he cant tolerate that much spicyness so..." you didnt complete your words and taehyung said " i know what im eating so you dont need to worry about me and this much spicyness i ll tolerate so dont highlight my weakness ok "" taehyung im not highlighting im just ...." some one squeezed your abaya's sleeve and you understand that you dont have to argue in that matter so left from there to take fresh air.

Someone followed you and 'its ok today taehyungie hyung is not in a good mood maybe he dont like so much crowd thats why he is irritated for nothing ok so dont be sad .if you get sad then who is going to explore other places for us..." jungkook trying to change her mind and it got change you both went to meet others to buy something in the streets.

{you all thinking that why Jungkook going to Y/n it is because he likes Y/n so he wanted to know more about Y/n ..lets see what will happen .....}

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