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After returning from your father's house , you were a little bit upset that your father talked something which made you sad, entering into the house you didn't saw taehyung, so you thought he was in bedroom so you straightly went to meet him on were shocked by seeing the view infront of you.....Taehyung was packing his can't understand what is going on?....." Taehyung shii.....what happened? is something wrong?....." you just asking him questions but he didn't responding you ....just doing his packings.....

you just stopped him from packing by holding his hands.....he just turned and see were shocked by seeing his was full of anger you don't know were scared by seeing his anger filled eyes...."t-taehyung everything ok? why are you so angry?....." you voice was came into as a whisper which only heard to him.....

he just jerked your hands lightly and " why do you care? hahhh....why do you care y/n ?.....whether something good or wrong....why do you care?..." you were confused by his words and got scared by his slightly raised voice and you felt upset that he called you by your name not with how he always called you.......its not you don't have a habit of his raised voice but after your marriage ....for the first time he raised his voice on you......he was trying his best by  holding himself for not shouting at you.....

"what d-o y-o-u mean by that?.....why i dont care....hahhhh....i always care for you Taehyung shiii....then why are you talking like this...." you just trying your best to control your emotions ...this is not the right time to broke just need to clarify what was happen?.....why he is talking like that to you?....he never do this for a simple matter....then,something was wrong!!!!! you brave yourself and again went near him while holding his both hands with your hands......

"Taehyung shii please tell me...what happened? is something bothering you? or is there something that i've done  which made you angry ?...." he left a deep sigh and removed your hands from him " still you didn't realise what's your fault?......" " fault !!!....what fault your are talking about?"..... you were clueless that why he is angry at you......

" can you please tell me ....what was my fault that you are accusing me....?" this time you raised your voice little bit.....cause you know you didn't do anything wrong which made him this much you are confident to ask to him....he just scoffed at your boldness and came near you " i can't believe that how can you be so confident about your fault miss y/n....." your heart skipped a beat while him calling you like this......

he never called you miss y/n , even when was your first meet just felt bad and hurt by his rude behaviour....." just tell what was my fault.....?" "the fault which you are causing for the past few days...." you knitted your eyebrows in confusion..... "still you didn't get right? then listen.....did you know how much i've suffered staying here without you for the whole you think ? you think little bit about me ?....when you were in your home...." 

hearing your home felt someone stabbed your heart from the knife.....his words making you weak infront of him.....then, you realising that your absence makes him angry this much....." do you think it's easy to live here alone.....i know it's not new for me .....but after being with you , it was hard for me to live alone......

it was suffocating thinking that your own wife is not staying with you ......what will you do if you were in my place?....what will you do if i spent my time not with you but with my friends or even with my family......hahhhh.....tell me y/n...." you were stunned to see him like think you should tell him about what you are planning...then, you realised you made a mistake by not telling him baout the just tried to approach him but he again started talking " then what is the need to live here alone...why should i live here , when my wife is not with's better to leave from here....that's why i'm packing my things....."

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