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After their wonderful moment, they washup together and for the whole time TAehyung took you in his arms and doing the things with you....he was feeling guilt for your state....you were walking like a penguin....TAehyung just chuckled seeing you walking like that...you threw the pillow on him "Don't laugh taehyung shii...it's all because of you only...." you just angirily pouted and turned around your back facing him....he just came near you and hugged you from behind....you got chills down to your spine while his hot breath touches your nape....

"i'm sorry Baby... but i just can't resist you...you became my all...then how can i ????...." now he pouted and you just chuckled thinking that how can a romantic man turned like a child in fraction of moments....then he said "you are blaming  me....just think that what will happen to your friend....Jimin is not a soft type like me....he will...." he just stopped at his words and you both turned around to see each other with a shocked look...


After entering the room, Jimin was calling Taehyung...but no one gave response...there was a loud music running through the room so Ayerin didn't hear Jimin's voice....Ayerin came out from the bathroom after taking bath...only with a towel wrapping around her....when jimin came into the room...both saw with eachother with a shocked look...they didn't realise in state Ayerin was standing ....."Jimin??" "cupcake?" ayerin started crying after hearing the nickname which he always called her with pure love and affection...

"what are you doing in Taehyung's room..?" Ayerin was confused by his question..."who said this is TAehyung's room....this is my room and me and Y/n where staying here..." "what Y/n?....she is  also here?....i don't understand what is going on? TAehyung is the one who told me to come to this room to meet him ...he only gave this hotel address and the room number too...."

"what?....but Taehyung was staying with Y/n...then why he said you to meet him in this room....""what?"....he asked with a confused tone and came near Ayerin without knowing how   close they were..."i don't know what you are saying? and why Taehyung is with Y/n?...you are the one who told me that Y/n was already married...then what is this?....are you both playing with my friend?" 

Hearing his words Ayerin became furious and came near him" shut up Jimin...are you serious with your words....how can you say this about us?....and about marriage " she just paused for a moment and said "i li-e-d...i lied to you...." she shurttered at her words  and  didn't concentrate on her towel...suddenly her towel fell down and her eyes popped out in shock and Jimin also shocked by seeing the view infront of him...he quickly turned himself and Ayerin trying her best to took the towel from the ground but it was stuck in Jimin's legs....

" i'---m i-m sorry ayerin...i di--n't see anything you better change and c--" she trying her best to pull the towel from his grip...but her sudden pull makes Jimin fall on her.... they both were tangled in the towel...now Jimin was hovering  on Ayerin....."I'm sorry Cupcake...."by saying this Jimin caressing her cheeks with his thumb fingers...Ayerin was melting by his touch..."i'm the one who have to apologise honeycake....." they just staring with eachother without saying anything.....

"i really hurt you by my words.....but i can't lose her too...that time she needs me too....and i also don't know what will happen in the future...that's why i took that decision....i was helpless that time....i really love you honeycake....i can't able to bear the pain that time....i was broken not  because of we broke up....but thinking that i hurted you....i'm sorry really sorry..." Ayerin was crying while explaining herself to him..Jimin also let her say whatever she wants to say....she was strarted sobbing badly...and hugged him while crying" Shhhhh.....it's ok ....i understand that how much you have to gone through alone.....i was never mad at you....don't cry i can't see you like this ...you know that right!!!!"

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