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"hhhh... jaan.....what i'm saying is....." " You don't have to explain...you can go...i'll sleep alone....." Ayerin just said with a pissed tone....you observed her reaction and...." yahhhh...why are you so pissed? ...ok ...i'm not going ....i'll sleep with you .....you don't worry ok.....ahhhh h-e he- just want me to sleep with him ...that's all...don't think anything ok...." you said with a pout and Ayerin came near you and made you sat on the bed and...." i'm just kidding Pabo....you can go...afterall he is your husband now...." she just teased you and you both started giggling....

"But, i felt bad, thinking that i got married without my parent's will...i know i've done a very bad move... but...i can't take any risk...i don't want to lose him again...cause i can't believe my health ...what if i again loss my memory...what if , he again got hurt...that's why i decide to marry him...even if i lost my memory...i'll be with him as his wife right?".... you said to her with teary eyes...."tsch tsch......it's ok....baby...don't feel ok....if this happens means It will be allah's will only...so just stop your crying and cherish this moment with him...ok...now just go he will be waiting for you....."


here Taehyung was trying his best to contact Jimin , but his phone was not reachable....then... "Yeboseyo...!!!" "Yeboseyo!!!...Jiminah...where were you?...i was trying to call you..." "hahhhh... i'm in Dubai....i was in flight , that's why ...i'm not able to reach" Taehyung was confused by his words...." WHATTTT???" "yahh!!! why are you shouting?...i've missed you so much ...that's why ...and i want to surprise you....but i think i failed...it's ok...just tell me the address ...and we will meet there..." Taehyung thought for a moment and " Ahhh Jiminah...come to XXXX hotel and ROOM NO:XXX...let's meet there...." by saying this Taehyung cutted the call and hurrily went to meet you.....

"Y/n... Baby..!!!!"he was calling you infront of your room " Nae... Taehyung shiii....come in..." "Ahhhh... we need to leave...." you was confused by his words and you turned to see Ayerin and she nodded her head as in assurance for your departure...." ok...we will see tomorrow ok...take rest Jaan...." you just hugged her and left with Taehyung.....after your departure , Ayerin went to took a bath....then ,suddenly held your hand and stopped infront of the room...

"Baby!!!...Are you having the access card.....???" "yes!! why?" you just asked with innocent look...seeing your innocent reaction taehyung just pecked your lips and " Jimin is in Dubai...he already arrived...and very soon he will be here...if we leave the door unlocked ...he will straightly went into the room thinking that i'm waiting in the room ,without knocking ...so  that time he will meet ayerin and they...." he just stopped and after hearing his words you are amazed by his naughty plan and you both started giggling.....

You both were waiting for Jimin's arrival.....after witnessing him going into the room... you both locked the door with the access card and left from there while giggling like kids....."shall we leave Taehyung shii...." "hmmm..." then, "Baby...you go ..i'll be back in few minutes hmmmm..." you just nodded and went to his room....you were nervous while entering in his room....the room was just smelled like him....you took a long breath and started roaming around the room....and you decided to took bath...

you came out from bath while wearing his bathrobe which was already in the washroom.....then only you realized you don't have clothes to wear...so you just gave a try to wear his clothes...you were searching in his closet...and you found one and went to wear....

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