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 After hearing your words, taehyung were stunned " what did you said?" " ahh... i just said... SORRY......" you just started scratching your neck in embrassement...."it's ok....don't be sorry....." "is there any problem with her family....just tell me...i'll arrrange to kidnap her....my abbu will help you in this... cause he a police officer..so don't worry...just let me know....ok..." taehyung just froze in his place by hearing your words and felt bad that his love of life forgot about him and giving ideas to kidnap herself.....he just smiled sadly and said " i don't want to  create problem for her...i trust my allah...and i'll believe that he will help me to get my love...INSHA ALLAH...." you eyes were widened by saying him his allah.....

"Taehyung shiii....did you said INSHA ALLAH now...but,,,,how....why??...." you were stuttering in your words and he came near you and whispered..."i'll tell you my secret..you said it will be safe in you...so listen....i'm a reverted muslim....." you eyes were plopped out and you closed your mouth by your palm...." really....!!!! is this because of that girl whom you are in love?" he just nodded and smiled at you shyly...you both were smiling with each other but suddenly you got some memories splashing infront of you....

you got  pain in your head and Taehyung saw your actions and trying his best to help you but....he can't touch you without your will...so he called ayerin ...after so many times, Ayerin attended his call....he explain all the things and ayerin reached there ...seeing your unconsious figure, Ayerin fummed in anger.. thinking that because of him only you became like that....

she came  harshly to him and holded his collar "i said you... i said you already that don't come near her....then why.. TAe...are you doing this becuase of revenge right? taht's why you are hurting her..." TAehyung was got enough of her harsh words and he jerked her hands" stop it ayerin...just Stop it Ayerin....are yu thinking me this much low...." TAehyung took a deep breathe and "just took her to the hospital..i can't touch her ...so please took her and i'll...." he was cutted by her words" there is no need ... you are no one to her...she already forgot you...so it's better to moveon and leave her alone...." by saying that Ayerin took you to the hospital....


"TAehyung shii...." you just wakeup suddenly by calling his name...." Ayerin....whereis  taehyung shi....did he took me here?..." "what are you saying..??he is the one who hurt you right?..." "what?...what are you talking about?...i'm the one who is with him...we were just talking with eachother... but suddenly i got some memories and got severe pain in my head...then i passed out....he don't even know what happened to me....he must worried about me...just call him and informed him that i'm fine...please jaan..." Ayerin left a big sigh and called TAehyung and informed about your condition....


Taehyung were being restless by thinking about you....if something happened to you ...he will never forgave himself...he just started praying and praying for more than two hours....then " Taehyung....Y/n was stable now...she is ok now....so don't be worried...." by saying that she cutted the call....hearing this, taehyung was beyond happy and went to offer SHUKR SALAH......

after returning to your room, you lay down on your bed and trying to sleep but you can't ...you just thinking the fact that Taehyung was in love with someone...you can't tolerete the fact...you just feeling like you losing something......you want to talk with him... but without knowing Ayerin ..she was still awake so you waited for her to fall asleep....by waiting for her to fell asleep...you also went into deep sleep...aftersometime, you were having some memories in your sleep...you are having difficulty in breathing...you are trying your best to came out from sleep but you can't...after so much trying you came out from sleep and went to meet Taehyung....

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