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You were in the urge of crying for your parents forcing you to get married ... you were in high level stress but they are not in their sense to realise what is happening to just want to go far away from them... so you told them that you want to spent some time with your grandmother... because your semester was already over.. so you asked permission from them and went to your native ....


                   "AHHH.... i was trying so many times to reach her... why didn't her number was not reaching.... i'm just getting worried by thinking about her..." "hobi hyung from when are you started  getting worried for someone who you just met her once...???" Jimin just asked him with a mocked tone for irritating him....

          " Yahhh!!!... i agreed that i just met her once but she is something still sticked in my head... you know... coming here after 10 days... still she is sticking around my brain...." there Taehyung is hearing all the things which jimin and Hobi sharing with each other...

they all are reached Seoul's been 10 days they were in Seoul and they are planning to launch new song and all are busy in that... but here Hoseok was stuck in your thoughts...he is trying to contact you without knowing their company....but Your number were in not reachable area... he was tensed, because what if you got caught by your father and what if something happened.... so much thoughts going in his mind... not only his but only with two persons... yes!!! Taehyung And Jungkook also is in a mess thinking About you.....

                     "ASALAMUALIKUM!! mama{uncle}... " WALAIKUM ASALAM PAPA!!!{baby} {her mother side persons always calling her by this name not with her real name... she is always special for them}  ... How are you??? all good right???.... " "I wish all is good for me... never mind... " " ASALAMUALIKUM GUDHIYA"..." WALAKIUM ASALAM NANNY" {Means grandmother}... How are you?" " Now you came!! i'm perfectly fine my your appearance...." and she spending some time with them and went upstairs by scrolling her phone and got a notification that BTS is going to lauch new song ... army's are happy and excited to listen... and they was a award show and concert going to held in korea....

                 you just want to meet them in this time... but thinking that they forgot you already and you just started thinking about the memories which you spent with them ten days ago...and thinking about that incident too....You were ashamed of yourself that how you behaved with Taehyung....and seeing his pic in your phone you started caressing his face... felt horrible....


"Hey... ayerin where is Y/n?? she did'nt came to meet you today? is something happened between you both? " " no!! mom... i think he father kidnapped her to her grandmother's house for not accept the marriage proposal... maybe.." with that saying she agin went to continue her beautiful sleep....

after sometime she got a call from foriegn unknown number..." who is calling me with foreign number...Hello!! Hello!! who is this... ??? may i know who is this?.... " no one answered so she cutted the call and again went to her preciuos sleep ... but suddenly she wokeup with a jerk and and try to contact the number but it was switched off... she just cursed herself and went to do her daily routine....

             "I think she forgot me ...that's why she cutted the's good that she forgot me... i don't have to hookup with any unnecessary things with her...." with that saying Taehyung went to to his practise session... but his mind is not working.. he is being restless and want to know about your whereabouts... just then" Yah!!Taehyungie!!! did you have her number?...." Taehyung just shocked and confused by hearing  hobi... for whose number he is asking ...." whose number number Hyung?..." " that girl... ahhh what's her name??...Y/n ah's friend..." " Ayerin" " Ahhh... Ayerin... thank you jiminie...." Jimin was feeling proud himself that he didn't forgot her name...

"ahhh !!! her number.... i think i don't have...." Taehyung just pretending like he is not having but...." yah!!! i know you are having her number....just gave it to me...." Jimin came towards him and try to snatch his phone but...." yahhh !!! jimin ahhh don't you dare to come near me...even if i have her number.. i can't give you... how can i share someone's number...even its a girl's number.... i can't give without her permission..." Taehyung just defending ...himself for giving the number....both jimin and taehyung were bickering with eachother and..."STOP!!! JUST STOP!!!"...THEY both stopped on their place and" taehyungie...just !!! you call her ...ok... just ask her about Y/n ... is it ok for you...." Tae just thinked for sometime and " OK" 

                    "yahh!!! ayrein... from the past few minutes your mobile is ringing what are you doing outside ...if you are not coming means i'll attend the call" with that saying her mom took her phone and going to attend ... she came there and snatched her phone from her mom and went inside her room....." Hello!!! Hello!!!...." she left a big sigh and "TAEHYUNG" ... his heart left a beat and feeling nervous not because of her it's because of Y/n .... " hey!!!... How are you???" " i'm good!!! what about you?.... " "hmmm... good... " Hobi and Jimin were gesturing him to ask About You... but Ayerin was not giving the chance for Taehyung  to speak....

Enough of patience Hosi grabbed his phone and' Hey!!! Ayerin... Its Hoseok ... How are you ? ... hmmm.. May i speak with Y/n for some time Please??" " HHHAAA !!! hey... i'm good.. and about Y/n ..she is not with me...." "if she is not with you.. just go to her house give phone to her...." " you are not understanding... she is not here means... she is not in her house... " in a fraction of seconds someone came and grabbed the phone from Hobi and " what do you mean not in her house... You are her friend then how can you not know about her presence....." " may i know who is this? " " Ahh!!! i'm sorry.. its Jungkook " " AHH!!! MR. Jungkook... for your all kind information she is not here ...even i'm also trying to contact her but no use... maybe her father kidnapped her somewhere for the issue which is happening in her home." "WHAT" ??? all are shouted with unison and... " AHH !!!!my ears...." " sorry... sorry... what issue? is her father hurt her? is she ok? is she is in trouble?.... Jungkook just bombared with his questions and" MR.,,,, she is fine... i know that much ... but...." 

"But what... she is suffering from stress... because after coming from there she is not well,, i mean she didn't eating properly.. didn't speak properly... so her parents thought that..." " she is in a relationship.. thats ehy she is behaving like that..." Jungkook stopped by saying this and..." and they started forcing her to get married right? Ayerin shi..." all are shocked by hearing his words and Ayerin also shocked how he described the whole thing which he didn't even know... 

                                           "PAPA!!"...." HHH... mami... " " come and eat something... You didn't ate your breakfast  properly... come." " no mami ...i'm fine... i'm just didn't have an appetite... if i feel hungry i'll eat... don't stress yourself because of me i'm fine...." you went to your room and started caressing Taehyung's your phone... don't know why you are feeling like someone is missing you... you want a urge to talk with them .. but you don't have sim... yes!! your father took off the sim card from your mob and you are using your phone only ....without sim card....

you can't able to forgot him even after thinking that he already forgot just want to be in his embrace and want to feel his warmth... you know you can't do that with a non-muslim but your heart didn't allowing to stop thinking about him and you just went to do abolution and wen tfor duhur prayer...
                in prayer" yah!! ALLAH!!... i kmow that i'm doing wrong by thinking about na-meharam man... i'm sorry for that ...please forgive me for that....and give me hidayah to forgot him and erase the memory of him from my mind... i can't take this anymore... i don't know why i'm behaving like a immature girl....he is just an idol... all over the world he is having fans ... then how can i believe that he is the one for me ....please ALLAH i'm begging you ... give me hidayah .... help me to forgot him... please...." 

with that saying she just started her prayer crying badly....  

{i know this little bit bore and long...sorry for that... but you will enjoy this story....}

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