BEATEN UP......😂

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                      "Hyung!!...did you received any notifications?..." " Yes... Kook ...20 missed calls...." jin Chuckled..."Yah...Oldie for you!!..." JIMin asked "74 missed calls..i know this girl will not leave me in peace...." yoongi also complained about your behaviour...all are complaining about your calls for them... they just fightining over who got more calls from you...but here one person is fuming in anger and frusturation that he didn't get even one call or text from you...

                             Taehyung is thinking that you might started liking Jungkook ...but Taehyung started feeling something about you after Jungkook confessed your liking over Taehyung ..thn only he realised he had some feelings for you....and after seeing you in that situation  he was clear in his decision but suddenly your ignorance making him beast inside...he just literally trying his best to not to burst over anyone.....

"what will happen if she know that we all left her without biding bye to her,,,.." Jmin asked in a sad tone...Jimin likes your company ,..because within a short period, you were become everyone's favourite....all are feeling bad about there behaviuor ....and becoming scared what will you do to them...because of this....

                         "why here so much dust formed within two days...ahhh...i can---t aaaashuuuuuuu..." you started sneezing while cleaniing the rooms...yes !!!..its became your habit to clean there room once in two days....after finishing cleaning you went to your class a days you were attending all the were copying the notes from your friend's note then.." Y/n ...HOD  is calling you...." someone came and informed you....

                       you soul left your body just confused and scared for what is the reason HOD calling you ...what if they found out your disapperance in some holding your breath you went to the staff room..

"excuse me mam!!,,may i come in???" "hmmm...." "ahmmm called me mam?.." "yourself?" i'm Y/n from accounts department.." " are the one ..i've been seeing your attendance...why it is low..comparing to the previous semester that any problem...or are you ...???" "no! no!..mam, actually i was in college cricket team,,i already informed my class teacher also...that's why mam..." "ohh...really ....." she paused for a minute and scanned you from head to toe.." ok can leave now..." with that saying she send you to your class were confused by her behaviour...and shrugged your thoughts went to your class room....

DAYS PASSED BTS NEVER CALLED YOU OR TEXT YOU...CHRISTMAS WENT ,...THEY DIDN'T CALLED YOU...YOU WAITED FOR NEW YEAR,,BUT THEY NEVER CALLED YOU....You were feeling really devasted thinking that how they left you just like were in your thoughts "how dare he?ahh... how dare he ?...he is avoiding me mochi.....shorty...i'll show him who i'm....." seeing Ayerin's frusturated behaviour you chuckled and..." Ahhh,... my jaan..he betrayed you too..." you both hugged each and started fake crying.....


"KOOK...did you packed all the things which you bought for Y/n...." NAe..Jimin shii...."answering him..Jungkook just in a smiling mess by thinking that all are going to meet you again without informing you....he bought lots of stuffs that you always wanted to buy in korea so...he literally bought all....
                 taehyung also bought a gift for you but he is doubting that if you accepted it or not...having a heavy heart he just put the gift in his lugguage and left for their private plane.....



"Yahhh....why are coming here again and again even they are not here..." Ayerin just complaining about your just standing infront of the apartment to clean the house but you didn't know they were already reached here and waiting for your presence...hearing the door opening sound all the members hide themselvesfrom you to give you surprise....
"Hey,,please come ..we will spend sometime together....please come naa...." ayerin was nagging and sulking with you ...but you" Jaan...i already told you that...i'll have to clean the house ..what if they came suddenly here.. and they are allergic to dust so i can't take risk right,,," "you are literally cleaning the house once in a two days then how it'll become dust...yah!!!! come na....." 

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