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After doing all the naughty things you came to livving room and started feeling hot on your head and feeling dizzy so you laid your head on the couch and slept there....suddenly Taehyung wokeup by having a nightmare and went to found you ...but seeing you he got relax...and realised that how you were sleeping in a uncomfortableposition so he came near you and sat beside you...he was searching for a pillow ...and finally he got and placed on his lap and now he is thinking that how he is going to place you on the couch ...until then you fell on his lap on the pillow....having a comfortable position you placed yourself comfortable and slept...

Taehyung's heart beat getting fast and you will definetly hear his heart beat because of the silenced spread in the room...your face was covered with your baby hairs and he clearout the hair by his long fingures to see your cute chubby face,,...he just smiled to himself thinking about your cuteness....abd then he heard some muffle sound from you and you started shivering...he just cover you by his shirt and try to touch you ...but he hold himself and took out thermometre which was placed under the table inside first aid box....

he was shocked seeing the temperature...he don't know what to do....he want to call other but if he make noise you will wakeup so he tried to call Jungkook but suddenly your phone started ringing and saw the id it was Ayerin...he quickly attended the call and" Hey ...bitch i was searching for you in classroom where are you??... i know you where spending your quality time with your boys right ...i kno..."she was cutted by TAehyung's voice "Ayerin...." "Taehyung...""ayerin ...Y/n was having fever can you please come here....she needs you now...." "AHH...what??? what happen?"....Taehyung explained the whole thing to her and ...."ok ok i'm coming..wait..." by hunging up the call..Ayerin came to you...

"Yahhh!!! Y/n..." "shhhhh.......she is sleeping..." TAehyung silenced her and suddenly again door got opened with a loud hearing the noise you got wokeup and all are shocked by seeing you slept on tae's lap..." Yahhh!!! don't get wrong idea...she was accidentally slept on my lap...not on my lap on this pillow so better ...stop your crazy minds by thinking something else that saying Taehyung went to his room...

"Yahhh...come on lets go home..." " wae??what happen?....Princess..." " she is having fever so i came to take her home.." "Jaan...what about this dress...???" " don't worry i'll tell your parents that this was my dress ok...come" " wait!!how you both going??...wait i'll book a cab for you.." Jimin booked a cab for you and you biding bye to all and went to home....

By your surprise your mom did'nt ask anything about your dress.. and you came and jumped on the bed and started rolling corner to hugging the dress which you were wearing...

for the two days you didn't visit them...and all are worried about you and felt bad that you were in a embrassement sitution which was happened to you that's why you didn't visit them...but they were placing chocolates and snacks on your cab seat for making you feel better with a small "TAKE CARE PRINCESS- BUNNY" " EAT WELL LITTLE DEVIL-OPPA" "IF I CAUGHT YOU ,YOU WERE A DEAD MEAT ON THAT DAY-OLDIE" You just smiling while reading yoongi's note and you realised that he found out about your nautyness... 

after three days you were coming to inform about you cleared all the papers in this semester and " HEyyyy!!! all see...." you just frowned by seeing that no one is here except taehyung...." where are the others ?.." " why??? you don't want to talk with me a??? ahh???..." Ahhh's not like that but i have to tell this to everyone that's why...ok..i'll tell you...i cleared all my papers for the previous semester..." you said with a giggle and...Taehyung also smiled by looking your cuteness but maintained his stunned face..." Ahhh.....Just cleared...i thought you will pass with distinction..." he said with a mocked tone....

"Did i tell you i'm very good in studying AHhh...and i tried by best so....don't mock me with your smartness..." TAehyung was stunned to hear your reply and " where are the others..?' "they all went for shopping...they said you will come and told me cook something for" Taehyung just stopped his words realising what he said and" means want to cook something for all..."

"hhhh...last week only they went ..but why now also ...??" "because we all are going to leave for the chritsmas and new year project so..." you world just stopped by hearing his words and thinking that he is lying to irritate you..." Hahaha...dont lie ...Taehyung shii...i know you want to irritate me that' why you are lying..." " why should i lie to you ahhh???" " it's because lying is your habit that's why..." you mocked him with laugh and went to the room... not knowing you inviteda storm for you....

TAehyung just came there and slammed you through the wall...your back hiited the wall very forcefully that i'll make a bruise..." what did you just said...ahhhhh...why are you calling me liar?...i already told you...that was a mistake ...then why are you dragging old things always ahhh...don't understand the small thing inside your silly brain ahhh..." Taehyung just fumming in anger and you were shivering in fear and saw his eyes got scared more my thinking that.....his anger..

his eyes shown nothing but a hate

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his eyes shown nothing but a hate... a complete hate for don't know a small joke will attack this much for him....

Taehyung's breath going heavier by his anger and he just holding and squeezing your arm tighly and " Taehyung shii... it's hurting ..please leave me..." you were just waiting for his response but his next words makes you hate yourself too..." who do you think you are?? AHHH....i'm not Jungkook who will allow anything ribbish about me and who are you ???who gave you the rights to spke about me??... you are nothing and you are not that much compatible that you will blame me....." he just left you with a jerk and " just get out of my sight...??don't you dare to come infront of me....i just hate your presence...just get lost" he just shouted from hus lungsout and you just ran away from there and went to your cab and started crying badly...

                                " I'm Sorry TAehyung shiiii ...i dont have the intention to hurt you like this...i didn't have the idea you will got mad this much by hearing the word "LIE"...really sorry ...sorry TAE TAE....Please dont hate me....i can't take your hate.....i'll die ...but cant take your hate for me... I LOVE YOU TAE..." You were a crying mess .. and there Taehyung just realised what he did to you....but thinking your words again ad again he just fumming in anger...."why are you doing this to me Y/n ah....I just started liking you.....but your words always remind me that how i lied to you makes me guilty and having anger on myself...why are you making hard for me Y/n ah....",

{your both trails started after there is so much you both going face..}stay tunned for more updates borahae🤞🤞💜💜🤞🤞💜💜

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