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After having the panic attack you litterally getting nightmares don't know what to do? also shared this with them ...they also started consoling you.....they just tried all the way to make you feel good and trying to get back your bubbly self....seeing your conditing Jungkook and Taehyung felt useless on their exist....suddenly started caring you in all the way...and he is trying to impress you by his soft behaviour....seeing his behaviour for you you were in a cloud just feel like you were his girlfriend....{i know she is thinking wrong..but what to do .....}

One day in your  college.. they were organised a seminar about muslimgirl should be pious in her deen, to her ALLAH.....lot of scholars came and spoke about things which a muslim girl compulsory have to follow....hearing the next speach you felt a pang in your heart and thinking how you became irresponsible in your deen...liking some na-meharam just feeling ashamed by thinking about yourself and you went to offer your prayer in collge masjid and started offering rukhu " YAh ALLAH...YAHH RAB ...PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR MY SINS..." bysaying this you started crying thinking that you've committed a sin by liking a na-meharam man....

you were spending the whole day in the masjid and prayer ashtafir nafal prayer continuosly and reading qur-an....still your heart feeling weight and thinking what you've done..."still ,i've time to retreat my's better to pure my soul and giving myself to after i'll never going to get attracted by him....please help yah ALLAH RAB.." you just finished your prayer and staraightly went to your cab and left for your home...


you're just trying your best to keep distance from them ...but sometimes you think that...why should avoid all of them...they helped you lot....they were just took care of you like a small you thought to visit were going to visit them after three days..but no one called you or even text thought they were angry on you...

"Asalamualikum!!" "Walaikum asalam...Little devil...."Walaikum asalam" all are replied in felt a undefined feeling by hearing their replies one is angry on you..all are behaving as same how they before...." Did you want water or Lunch devil?..." yoongi asked you..." AHH...i want lunch ...baeguppayo.." you just rubbed your stomach while telling him and he just chuckled by your behaviour and went to the kitchen....

all are doing there respective work and you just expecting two is to avoid and another one is make you feel just went to kitchen and saw" Hyung!!.. did you askedher something? right!!" "yahh!! kook ..why should i ask...we all know that she is going through lot..and she had some reasons for not visiting us...and yesterday only we all decided that if she came here no one is going to ask her anything right?..then why should i ask you think i'm fool ahhh..." Yes!! Mr. Oldie..." Jungkook said with a mocked tome and started cooking for you...

after lunch ,,,you were doing your assignment and suddenly you felt someone beside you and.."Are you doing assignments?.." your heart just skipped a beat knowing who he is.." NAe!! Taehyungshii...." " ahhh..." he just try to speak with you but you..." excuse me..." by excusing yourself you left from there...."Yah ALLAH>>please give me strength to be strong in my motive...Help me ALLAH...." you just cooling your mind by standing in the balcony and someone came behind you turned to go inside but..." YAhhh!!!>>>stupid bunny you scared me..." 

"why are you getting scared by seeing i looks like a...hmmm" he just thinking what to say...." BEAST" said with a mocked tone and went inside to the  living saw there was no one and you felt relief and" where are the others?.." "ahnn all are went to took rest....yesterday full we practised for some tones so all are became tired..." " so you should also took rest BUNNY...." calling him BUNNY ..he just feeling very special... he never felt this with anyother person...he just want to be hear this from for his whole life but he knew he can't....

like this you were spending time with them..and started avoiding Taehyung as much as you want...he felt sad by your behaviour...sometimes getting jealous how you getting so close to jungkook....sometimes Jungkook even feed you.... obviously in spoon only.... while you were doing your assingment... Taehyung just thinking negative things between you both...he was fuing in rage and trying his best not to burst out on you both....Jungkook also something is going between you And TAehyung....Jungkook also noticed that how you avoiding Taehyung.....


one day you were Praying your Zuhur....Jungkook just standing near the door and watching you offering your salah..while crossed his hands over his just finished your salah ..and you saw jungkook was leaning near the door and you just signalled him to come near you and you patted the mat to sit him there by doing zikhr....after making dua, you just blew on his face and said "MAY ALLAH GIVE YOU HIDAYAH AND SUCCESS AND HEALTH AND WEALTH IN YOUR LIFE ..AAMEEN.." jungkook felt some peace in his heart and smiled cutely..." what Bunny ??what happen? why are you smiling?..." How you know i want this!..." you just confused by his words" what happen Bunny...are you ok?...hmmm???" "i'm ok princess>>>just having some distress in my heart..that's why,,,i think now ..i have peace...." you both just smiled spending sometime with each other...but someone was fumming in anger...

if he wasn't jungkook...then he will dead by now...TAehyung just controlling his anger really very terribly....  
"If you are in distress or feeling confused or something bad..just recite the will get ease in your heart,,...i'm not forcing you ,,,but from my personal experience i'm saying this ..if you don't like you..." she was cutted by " No.. Noo... Princess if you are saying means it'll be true how can i read this ..i don't know this language.." "you can read this in english too...but if you are going to touch this you have to be clean youself means clean your body,clean your mins and clean your soul....then you'll feel the difference ok..." Jungkook just nodded his head and started asking some  questions about islam and other stuffs........


after some days you were busy in some college stuffs like attending some seminars,having islamic classes and indulging in project for your next you informed them that you'll be busy in upcoming days and they also accpeted and told her to do her best....but you sensed something was off in their replies....


after finishing most of the went to meet them with some snacks..and planned to watch a movie with them....after reaching there apartment you got shocked was locked just confused that how it could be...someone will definetly wait for you here...why no one is were waited for them for the past two hours...being impatience you tried to call them but all of their mobile was switched off and ....just then reality hitted you that they just left you with saying a proper just checked their rooms all their things were placed on their places so you realised they just left only for temporary .

you just making your heart accepting the fact that they will return to you one day....but you felt bad that how can they left without informing just started crying silently while thinking about their departure.....and you took a decision that you will clean this house often until their you started watching some movie witha snacks which you bought for hugging bunny don't have urgue to watch movie alone always do things with them being alone which make you sad and tears streaming down to your cheeks....

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