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"what did you say?" "WILL YOU MARRY ME?".....Taehyung was shocked to hear you ...he was just frozed in his place....he is just confused to hear what you just said...." i think you are not in your right mind... let's need rest..." by saying this Taehyung leaving from there...." you promised me that you will come and make me yours.....but i think promises are meant to be broken right?.....TAe..." Taehyung's world was stopped and his heart skipped its beat...he don't know what was going on ?...."tell said you will come to me...i've waited for you...till now i'm waiting for you...." you can't control your just burst out and started crying badly.....

hearing your cry Taehyung turned around to see you...and started running towards you...." what did you just said?....haaahhhh...tell me again.....what did you say ?......" you saw him with your teary eyes " i think you forgot to call me 'BABY' after becoming his servant right?" you said with a pout....taehyung was beyond happy to hear that you finally remember him....his love of life remembers him....he don't know what to do....he can't wait to hold you in his he forwarded his arms to hug you but stopped in the middle....

seeing him having difficulty in showing his love ..."Tae!! you didn't answer my question WILL YOU MARRY ME?...." "yah !!!... PABO i'm the one who is going to propose you...but all is  opposite here.......i think in my life..because of you all things are turning different..."he just chuckled at his own words and saw you glaring at him and realised he still didn't answer her..." YES!!! YES!!!... MY BABY ...MY PABO....I'LL MARRY YOU....." 

"then let's go.... and marry me now...." he was stunned at her words..."don't play Y/nah..." "i'm not tae....let's go and get married now.....i can't handle this anymore....i want to be with you in your arms...i need your warmth...tae please make me yours now.....please...." you were started crying again...." how many heart attacks will you give me for a day...haahhhhh....i can't handle this much attacks at a time...." you just chuckled at his words again came to serious mode...." i'm telling you to  marry me now...otherwise you will see me you want that..??" "don't talk like a child...Y/n...this isn't joke....marriage is not a joke......"you were tensed now, thinking that he don't want to marry you...he don't want to take responsibility of yours now...because of your current medical condition.....

seeing you standing silently..."Y/n???are you ok?....Y/n...??" he tried come near you but you were going backwards....avoiding him..." i know...i don't want me now...i'm not capable now...i know because of my condition you started hate me..i know.....i'm sorry...without knowing your consent i forced you...i'm sorry Taehyung shii....i'm not capable for after i won't disturb you sorry...." by saying this you started going from there..." y/n ....are you crazy?..." he came near you and hold your sleeves to stop you..." how can you think me like that? do you know how much i suffer to make you don't know how much i suffer after thinking that i lost you..... when you lost your memory....."

"then why are you not accpeting to marry me?....don't you want to be with me..? don't you crave for me as i'm craving for you?don't you want to hold me as i want to hold you?'" you were became a crying mess while asking this to him.....he can't able to see you like this....he want to hold you, comfort you, but he can't because you both are not married...because of that one reason...his love is suffering he decided to give you what you want....." ok...let's get's only for you my love....i can't see you like this much broken infront of me....even it's because of me...i can't make this happen again....i promised to my Rab that i'll give you only happiness in your life let's get married......" 


you are getting ready for your marriage.......ayerin was helping you...."what will you tell to your parents?will they accept this?...." you left a big sigh and" i'm not going to tell them now about my marriage...i'll tell after they accept him....and he also not going to reveal to his company....after his parents accept me then he will reveal....till then it will be secret marriage......" Ayerin let out a scoff on your statement" i think my baby became mature to take this big decision on her own...and handled very smartly....." you became shy after hearing her praisings.....

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