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After searching for some time he noticed one figure which is hiding in the corner of the stage pillar . he got relief that finally he found her .he went near her and silently signaled her not to make noise and they both went from there."mr.bodyguard why are you sweating so much?is something happend ?are you ok?you need water?here take this ?" she just bombared him with her questions and he silently staring at her thinking that she is the reason for his sweating and he took water from her and drank .after reaching out she thanked him"thank you so much mr.jack, u done a alot to me,i never expected that i became this much lucky in my life. i never had a lucky in anything in my life. thanks to allah that he send you for helping me in a tough situtation thank you so much...allah will bless you all the hapiness and success in your life."after hearing her blessing he felt some way of relief that he never felt before in his life and"mr.jack!!! how you became so kind to me ?its because i helped you to watch concert for free ahh??!!!"she just smiled shyly ans said "no no its not like that but..." " its ok im just kidding !!!" "ok now im get going so take care"..." ahhh do you want to meet BTS in person?"

You just get shocked by hearing his offer,you just felt suspicious first but your greedyness accepted his offer and "ok tomorrow im going to shopping to buy something for my boys so you can accompany us if you want!! i'll show you places of this city its a thanks giving for showing me concert,..if ok means just meet me outside this stadium and informed your bosses about your leave then only they can arrange somone on behalf of you !!ok then allah hafiz" " allah hafiz !! what is that mean?""its means may allah be your gaurdian on your way" "ohhhh ok but you didnt ask my answer?"" i know you will come!!" with that saying y/n left from there to her room.

taehyung was thinking that whether he have to go or not what if he get got on their roaming time but he wants to join with you so he decided to go with you ...and he went to inform others about your meeting"yahhh again you went missing!!again you went to meet her right??" "yes hyung she offered me to go with her tomorrow for sight seeing so ...."he said while rubbing his back neck and smiling shyly...."so you like her ahhh?" "jin hyung dont jump into conclusions its just way of passing and enjoying sometime .im enjoying time with her because she is funny,dumb,.....and..." "hyung i already told dont tell army is a dumb i dont like this'" with that saying jungkook angrily went from there...

namjoon said"if you are going means what about us we to want to roam and explore this city !!" " i already said to her that im going to meet her with you but if you came with us we will get caught my public right!!!what to do ok lets do this,,,,"with that saying they went to there respective rooms to take rest.

on the other hand y/n reached her room and she got beaten by her friend for coming late"yeah ayerin why are you beating me i already told you ill be late then why jaan{y/n sometimes call her by nickname like jaan} you fool look at the time it already 1 at midnight uncle called me for four times i said that u are praying and here network not taking and put cnference from gita number you just ....ahhhh" with that screaming on y/n's face she went to sleep....

and she informed that she had a friend who is coming to join for tomorrow shopping and for other stuffs...ayerin didnt said anything and went to sleep..and y/n know how to convince her so she also went to sleep .


she wokeup and freshen up quickly to meet him and also she woke ayerin and convince her to help her this last time.but ayerin also knows this not gonna be a last time for her🤣😜...."yahhh jaan be ready im going to pick him up and come to the  sarogini market, with that saying she left to pick him..

"yahhh jaan be ready im going to pick him up and come to the  sarogini market, with that saying she left to pick him

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there he waiting for her in full black jacket with black ripped jeans with fluffy hair style...after seeing him she waving at him {she is wearing this}

after seeing him she waving at him {she is wearing this}

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{imagine she have little dusky skin tone with slight pimple marks on both sides of her cheeks y/n was not that much charming and pretty girl but by heart she is pure and innocent}

after watching him she was mesmerized by his attire and {she is baby army so didnt recognize him in this attire}she was just stunned to see him like without knowing he is her bias KIM TAEHYUNG🤣 he waved his hands in front of her and she snapped from her thoughts and greeted him "asalamualikum mr.jack !!did you sleep well?" "what ?what did you said " "that means allah peace be upon you"" so how can i relpy for that?" "is walaikum asalam its means may allah peace be upon you too." " hmmmmmm!!!!!!" with that humming he said " ahhh i forget to inform you that BTS wants to meet you too they agreed to meet in within one hour" she just choked with her saliva and said" what ? what did you said? but you are saying this now !!!if you said this before i'll wear something good  and got ready to pleasant myself good" "if you do something on you then also you'll look how you exactly the way you are!!!!' with that saying he started laughing lightly then only reality striked him that what he said he facepalmed himself and try to console her...."im sorry i didn't meant to hurt you like that ....." "its ok you did'nt lied and its ok i dont want to look infront of strangers i just want to look good in ffront of my future husband and i like the person who like me how real im so dont worry and dont apologize mr.jack.."with that saying she wiped her tears and started walking .....

 "heyyyy !!! i didnt mean that you became so serious and...." "its ok jack im just kidding dont worry when we going to meet them?" " im going to inform them to meet you and they also coming to roam with you and sorry to say this im not coming because of some work so....take care we will meet in the evening ok and im sorry .....bye" with that saying he went from there....

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