NEW HOME!!!!....

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after leaving from there , Taehyung called jimin to ask where he is staying..." yahhhh!!!! only you remembered me right? you didn't even thought about me spent a night without informing me Damn it...." " no curse words .....Jiminah....!!!and about wife requested me to stay with her that's know that i can't refuse her words....." "HAHAHA.....ok ...ok... now why you called me.?? you killed my sleep...." 

Taehyung scoffed at his words thinking that how dramatic he became nowadays....." i just want you to book a apartment for us ...." " want me to stay with you....hhaahhhhh...." Jimin just wiggling his eyebrows by teasing him...." US means me and my wife....don't feel i'm a married man...i have some responsibilities...i don't want anyone to interfere in that....." 

Jimin was utter shocked by hearing his words......he sense some anger in his he confirmed that something was wrong and ...there is something Jimin without asking any further he accepted " ok.... chingu yah..i'll whose name?.." "my wife' after all will be for her only....." by that saying Taehyung cutted the call and went to offer her salah in nearby Masjid......

Taehyung was really angry while thinking how your brother insulted you both....he just controlling his anger but he can't able to..that's why he decided to some time at Masjid...he believes that Masjid gives peace and clear mind for him....whenever he is helpless or confused he always prefered to visit Masjid......


"how dare you? how dare you talk to my husband like that? dare you?...."you just holding your brother's collar vigorously.... your brother scoffed at your words " husband!!!! went for the therapy....but you came with a husband......hahahaha....what a magic you've learned there......" he just staring at you angryly.......he was fumming in anger...."then, tell me how can i react with your so called marriage......"

 you just standing there still holding his collar.....your mother trying her best to divide you from him and your grip was so tight that she can't able to move a little......"ok...tell me how can we react at your beautiful and pure act ahhhh....i can't believe this ...i can't believe this !!!how could you became so shameless while being his daughter......"

"IAN......" You just took your hand to slap him while shouted his name.... but........." "ENOUGH".. a horase voice stopped you from going further...."ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Y/N..." "how could you say that abbu?...he is insulting my husband and you are not saying anything to him..." tears welling out from your can't tolerate your husband's disrespect......

" he is right !!!!..." you were stunned to hear this from your father....and what will you expect from your family ...because of your you know how much disgrace you  became now....i can't able to show my faces to our relatives, to my friends....still, i'm talking with you calmly why?...because still i beleive that you will do something to change every thing.....

" can you say this? do you think that i'll leave this why i married him? i love him abbu...i know i've done a very big mistake but i doesn't mean that i'll leave's not easy now....." your eyes started getting blurry felt dizzy while thinking about what your father said....he always thinks about the society not you......its accepted that you done a mistake but not fell down on your knees and started crying badly while covering your face ....your mother came near you and holding you to comfort you.....

 "just leave this matter from here...i don't want to talk about this anymore..............and if you want to stay can...don't expect anything from me either....." by saying this your father left from there...your mother also have no choice  and she left and your brother....he became a big villian for you too left to your room and you sat on the bed while crying.....

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