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         you don't know what to tried so many times to contact Taehyung but there was no were sobbing in your room while seeing the dress which was arranged by your fiance's were just disgusted by thinking to hold someone's hands other than your Husband....
ayerin also trying to contact Jimin...but that was also no use....she was felt guilt that she can't able to do something to her friend like she  done in the past.....

she was felt guilt that she can't able to do something to her friend like she  done in the past

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you were got ready for the engagement, you are feeling deja-vu....and you also wanted to happened sAme like last were expecting Taehyung to come and save you were totally in a confidence that Taehyung definately gonna come here but, you were afraid that what he will thinks about you? what if he got mad at you...?...that was the only  thought you are having now.....

you are so much in Trust with your ALLAH.......that he will definitely will help you this time too.....

                                                          ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

"yahhh!!! TAe..why are you doing this? what if princess will got mad at you?....i promised her that i 'll informed to her about the you are gonna surprise her with your are too much man...." Jimin just got frusturated by his behavior....Taehyung just chuckled at his word and trying to call know whether you were in your home or outside...if you are outside somewhere then he will surprise there....he just want to surprise you by his arrival......

but for his surprise, you are not attending his call.... he felt something strange.... cause you never done like this......"what wrong TAe?....why are you serious?....." "Y/n....she  didn't answering my calls...i think something was wrong?....otherwise she won't?...." Taehyung becoming restless ...   " it's ok .....don't worry bro ..... maybe she was with her father..that's why...don't be tensed hmmm...we will do something....." Taehyung again started calling you...but this time call was attended but not by you...." baby!!!! why you...." his words cutted by " yahhh You STupid......for how much time we tried to  contacted you....where were you.....idiot???" ayerin was yelling at Him....

"Ayerin??? why are you attending her phone... where is Y/n..? is she ok...??? is everything fine?" he was bombaring with his questions....." nothing is ok TAe...please come to the place which i'm sending you now...come quick please.....even if you are in korea please come here...within 15 mins....if you want your wife.....not someone's " by saying this she cutted the call....

(what 15 mins ??? how could he ? even when he is korea?....)😜😜😜

Taehyung informing his driver to drove off to the location which Ayerin sended him.....Taehyung shocked to see the place was a marriage hall....his heart started beating fast...he just Praying to allah that nothing will happened to you....." Yahh ALLAH....Please help me...please help me to reach there...whatever it is going there...please stop that...please make my wife safe....if something happens to her...i can't able to live please allah help me....." Taehyung's eyes getting teary...seeing him , jimin was tensed and thinking that how much pain will they have to bear.....

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