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after leaving her tae felt guilty for lying about his identity and speaking bad about her, with that thinking he reached their dorm and informed that they all are going to meet Y/N .hobi" hey tae, why are you looking down what happened ?" jk" maybe she said something that hurted his ego thats why he is like this !!!"tae just glared jungkook and left for changing himself to go out . Jin " what happened to him why he is behaving abnormal ? "Namjoon" maybe because of that girl!!" "if it is because of that girl then why are we going to meet her in person and...." yoongi didnt finished his words tae said

"its not because of anyone im just having headache so dont blame anyone without knowing them .and she will ask about jack so jsut maintain the lie till the day we are leaving." ''you are not going to tell about your identity?" hoseok asked

 "i know when to reveal s no one dare to tell her that !" with that saying madly he went out to meet her and others also followed him to introduce themselves to her.

she was waiting in the waiting room and scrolling her instagram ,watching their videos untill then... she saw them coming towards her and she just zoned out by watching them so closely so really ...... jungkook waving his hand infront of her face and she came back to really and "haaahhhhh Asalamualikum ! im sorry im just zoned out seeing you all very closely ahhh!!!"she said nervously and " oh its okay we dont mind infact all the army also like this only when they meet us closely u dont mind about that and be yourself and sorry we dont know how to reply your greetings mianaeho" jk said to her others are just standing there and watching jungkook how casually introgating with her . they just stunned to see that how jungkook is very casual with her so easily because till now he is little bit introvert but with Y/n how he is changed .

'hi im jhope nice to meet you miss....!!" " im Y/n and can i call you hoseok shii because im not comfortable with jhope". All are shocked with her words because the whole fandom calling him jhope but she ... jhope is happy that she is comfortable with his first name and how she is very cute while asking permission ,..." ahhhh yah you can !you dont need to ask permission for that its yours choice ok so be comfortable and be how you are" with saying all the other members started introducing themselves when taehyung turn came he is not wearing mask so she is mesmerised by his beauty {after all her bias how cannot she drooled over him😜}

he just came and said hi to her and went away from her . she felt betryed adnd thinking herself low that she is looking good thats why he went away after saying a short hi to her , 

Later, all went to their respective cars with her explore the city and she expected tht tae will come with her but again he went with Jin, Namjoon and Suga . Y/n went with others . Jungkook saw her that she is off so he started his conversation with her. " hey Y/n , you know all about this place ??" " ahhh no i didnt but my friend knows because she came often here with her family so ...im rarely came out from my home and im my family not that type who went for vacations often ...." she said with a sad smile. Jungkook understand her situation that how she badly want to go for vacation but cause of her family she is missing that and he started spoke with her and asked about this place other things to lighten up her mood and and it worked she started sharing soem things about this place and they both became closer and other members seeing them with jungshook🤣😜

after reaching the place where Y/n and ayerin planned to meet and Y/n searching for her ..the place was lilttle bit  crowded so all members weared mask except tae because if he weared mask Y/n definately found who he is so he just cover  his face with bangs  and covered his head with hoodie... like this

Crowd started pushing them Y/n legs tangled and she going to fell someone caught her by her abaya and is noneother than jungkook and he is protect her from crowd by moving to the corner

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Crowd started pushing them Y/n legs tangled and she going to fell someone caught her by her abaya and is noneother than jungkook and he is protect her from crowd by moving to the corner... other members also moved to the corner but taehyung left in that crowd and other members seeing that Taehyung is holding one girl by her waist and Y/n  felt bad that seeing that girl is noneother than her friend ayerin. and Tae also taking her towards the corner by securing his hand on her waist ... Y/n felt really bad that her bias secuting her friend but with Y/n he didnt even show a glance over her ....

All are moving and gathering one place and Y/n met ayerin and planned to go to durga{it is the place where mosque and tomb placed in the name of pir haji ali shah buhari in 15 th century.}

All are went there and hoseok asked " why here so much crowed ?is always this much crowd or today only ?" Y/n said "today is thursday so every thursday sea will apart from the pathway till evening this is very special and famous place ..." Y/n just explaining things about the place on the otherside ayerin and taehyung having some alone time with each other .Yes ayerin and taehyung fell for eachother they just having sometime and speaking some things but god only knows what they both are talking. Seeing them close you just felt betrayed by her friend and her bias .what to do you are not that much mature to accept the things which you cant reach . 

Seeing the sadness in your face Jungkook trying to lighten up your mood my singing "euphoria"in your ears slightlu and you just start blushing and smiling .Seeing you blushing and smiling Jungkook was happy that his effort didnt go waste.

{i know this part little bit bore and some chapter like that kindly bear but you will get a good story after this dont be disappoint on me do support thank you}

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