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You were shocked by seeing his facial expression it was really scary......he slowly landed you on the floor and started preparing rameyeon without saying anything were stressed by his silent treatment....." yahhh!!!! Taehyung shii not again....i can't ...i can't with your silent treatment....." "then, what can i do for your silly act ahhhh....." he just threw the spatula which he was using for mixing with a slight anger....

you just fliched by his act......then he realised what he done.....he didn't said anything for few moments and "then , what to do with you?....just tell you know that you will fall and get hurt from falling right ....if i was not on time?...." you just nodded your head like a child...but this time , you act not gonna melt him....he was really angry now....not angry but scared that what if was not in time? or what if something will happen?....he was really scared thinking a life without you....

"Taehyung shii i'm sorry, i was hungry and you also didn't ate dinner.....that's why i came to cook for both of us....i thought after preparing the food i'll wake you up....but all my effort went in vein....." you just huffed with your chubby cheeks that your cheeks poked out.....he just chuckled at your cute chubby cheeks ....he just want to bite that cheeks ......he tried to come near you  but suddenly he remembered what was happened earlier because of your carelessness so he again went into a sulky mode.....

at the whole time, on the dinner table he just eating with a silent can't tolerate the silent you decided to do something ......after finishing late night dinner, Taehyung took his and yours plate to the sink and washed them .....still you are trying your best to spoke with him , 

"taehyung shiii.....TAehyung to me please ...i'll promise i won't do anything stupid like this here after...please talk to me ....please ...please .....please...." you were trying your please card too, you were running behind him like a lost puppy......but he is not giving any response..... and went to upstairs to  your shared bedroom......seeing  his stubborness make you got angry......but, you can't lose know how to convince him.....


you saw that  Taehyung was just scrolling in his phone while laying on the bed to avoid you....but you have other plans to just took something from the closet without knowing him and went to change.....he saw you going to the washroom with something in your hand but shrugged his thoughts and scroll himself to the side and slept......

after changing into the thing which you took from the closet and ready to approach him....let me tell you what you are gonna do is, earlier,  you just saw a video from instagram in which one girl is trying to convince his angry boyfriend but he is not convincing so she just wore a sexy lingerie and trying  to seduce him and it worked too ....

so you also going to try this on him....but you never done this before.... you were nervous just slide into the blanket and going near him...he just sleeping shirtless ....his back was facing just eyeing your husband's back thinking that how his milky white soft back will felt in her just have an urgue to kiss his back ......

you just have an urgue to kiss his back

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