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IT'S BEEN 15 DAYS, you and ayerin applied for your Passport and for were just scrolling your phone and smiling ...Ayerin was confused by your smiling, so she snatched your phone and she was shocked by seeing the view in your phone.....

Ayerin was confused by your smiling, so she snatched your phone and she was shocked by seeing the view in your phone

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"wh-t... wh-y... are you watching this?..." " ahhh!!!..what do you mean? ayerin>>" Ayerin left a sigh and" i mean...why you are watching this? never used to like this type...means...." " ahhh!!!... you are talking about BTS...." ayerin was shocked by hearing you...her whole body was shivering by hearing the word BTS...and she suddenly remember what your father said...

" yes!!>>>" " you know what?...i kinda liked them..." you said with a huge smile on your face....     " hhh....when abbu bought me this mobile...the first thing was got my eyes was about BTS released a new song...i was confused why these types of news coming on my phone...first i ignored and then accidently i downloaded the song DYNAMITE....after watching that song, i had an urgue to know about i'm an ARMY" you said by showing her with a  Fingure heart🤞  .....Ayerin was devastated by hearing your explanation...she just facepalmed herself and started becoming panick....

"what happen look tensed..." " nothing..i'm just thinking that what if your father knows that you are drooling over on a korean know ..he don't like this type of stuffs right? then how can you be like this Y/n?" " don't worry he will never find....and i felt relief when i heard their songs....their songs gives me peace in night time while i'm having nightmares so....please let me like them....they are in korea only are reacting that they will come for me and take me with them....just cool..."

 suddenly you hissed in pain by holding your leg" ssssahhhh.... " "what happen? are you feeling pain?" you just nodded your head as yes and " did you took your pan killers?" you were silent  and Ayerin went to took your painkillers and came back with a glass of water and gave it to you....after having your medicine you hugged her tightly " i don't know what will happen to me , if you were not with me my jaan....SARANGHAE!!!" Ayerin was confused that you spoke korean and later both burst into laugh.....


"Taehyung are you sure you want to go ?..." Jimin asked him with a worried tone..." Nae!!!... Jimin ah....i want to ease my mind so i have to go to do my will give peace to my heart...." " still!!... you are stuck with her memories?" " how can't i?.... is this really easy to forgot about can you expect this ...from me....Jimini pabo...." he said with a teased tone but Jimin only knows that there is so much pain was hide behind his fake smile....

TAehyung were never want to forgot you...infact, he never tried...after meeting with Moulana , other day....he was decided to forgot you...but he failed miserably... so he decided to go with a flow...when Jimin asked about this ....taehyung said " if ALLAH wants me to forgot her, he will do that for me... i'm tired i was fully fond of him... he will do whatever good for me....i'll never doubt his decisions ,... so better you also believe in him leave it all on him...My Rab will protect me...." 

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