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                  "Kook....!!!Kook!!!....Yahh....i'm calling you only..." Jungkook just came back to his senses because of JHope's scream....." "Nae...Hyung...why are you shouting in my ear...i'm alive only..." "is it so....bro?...but i don't think you are...?" after reaching seoul, Jungkook was really being off all the time....he always thinking about you...he never expected that your life will turned upside down within a swift....he just feeling guilty that he did'nt helped you...he didn't there for you when you needs him....

yet, they didn't realised Taehyung's disappearance...they all thinking that Taehyung was there with them. but......


"Look taehyung, i came here because i want to help my friend but it doesn't mean that i'll trust you...." Ayerin and taehyung came to your wedding....why ?.... TO KIDNAP YOU....

Ayerin was explaining Taehyung about your relatives ...and planning for how to kidnap you....they both came with a preparations.....Ayerin starightly went to see you ......Taehyung went to the back side of the stage and waiting for ayerin's signal....


"Taehyung!!!! were in a plane i saw you...but how ....???nevermind ...what you want now?..." "i want my Y/n..." said with a stern and confident voice,,.... Ayerin was confused by his words..." what do you mean you want Y/ you know, what is going to happen to can't understand what you are...." "i want to kidnap her..." Taehyung cutted her words by informing this....Ayerin's eyes were popped out by hearing his confession....

"Are you became mad or what?....and why you want to kidnap her hhhh....?" "i want to help her out from that's all because of me so....i want to help her...please ..for that i need your help....will you..?i know i hurt her badly but it doesn't mean that i will let her to live in that hell....i...i..." his words got stucked " i love only i realised.." by hearing his words Ayerin just chuckled and" if you truly love her, you can't take advantage of literally abused her..."  "i know ...i know ..i'm wrong...but it doesn't mean i didn't love her... i truly do...please truts me Ayerin and help me please...."Taehyung begged her by  hold her hands ... seeing his miserable state Ayerin accepted to help him...


Your father and mother were busy in inviting guests and getting ready for rituals... seeing them busy in there works Ayerin went to meet without knowing were in your thought "BAby!!!" your eyes got shot opened by hearing the voice....seeing your friend infront of just can't control youself and jumped on to her.....some relatives of yours were with you in the room....seeing you both they gave some privacy for you and went out...but they didn't know what is going to happen now......

" are you? you came here....?" if she said TAehyung's name you'll never accept to come so Ayerin " Ahhh...i came with my friend to help you..don't worry we will go out from here..." " Ayerin!!.. are you could you think about like this?" Ayerin was confused by hearing you...." so you are accepting this hell for you?..." "YEs!!!"  " But why?... deserve something best so please don't loose hope baby...try to understand..." " No!!Jaan..i can't hurt my parents..they raised me it's my responsibility to make them proud and happy ....." " by sacrificing your life....don't be fool...just accept and come with me...."

you both were bickering with each other and Taehyung felt bad that how you accept the life and happy that how you always think about your loved ones.and he promised himself that he will never going to hurt you anymore in your whole life and he will protect you from all tough ...and cherish you with his love only with love and care.....

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