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{sorry for making another part in this ,😜but what to do im having soo much imagination for this story and getting so manyideas to do bear with this and do support baes🤞}

"yah!!! Jimin shii its my snacks why are you eating ?" "Jungkook shii i'm the one who gave this to him why are you scolding him and where were you i was waited for you... you didn't came thats why i shared with Jiminshiii" you  just winked at Jimin and started laugh with him...

  Jungkook was getting jealous when you winked at Jimin and " Yah!! why are you calling me Jungkook shiii , I know Jimin shii is elder so You calling him like that but why me?" he just said with a moked tone and "Ahhh ....because you also elder than me so i'm calling you like that" you rocked jungkook shocked by your reply and...." ok then Y/n shiii...."

"wae?wae? you calling me Y/n shiii?" they just surprised by your question cause you used korean language so  " you just spoked korean right?" " ahh... just a small word JUngkook shii i'm just trying to learn so..." You just smiled with shy seeing you like that Jungkook heart flutter and "it ok Y/n shii  You are trying your best ..so do your best I'll help to teach you in that ok?" "how ill you teach her bro , by staying here with her? with that saying Jimin started laughing and " if i get a chance i'll ..."Jungkook whispered ,, "what did you say?"  "Nothing Jimin shii can we leave they waiting for us !!" with that saying Jimin stood up and gave his hand to you to stand by holding his hands but you just stayed quiet and Jimin understood and smiled lightly went from there....

   "sorry im making you all embrassed and making sad by my behaviour but what to do its my dignity and having love for my religion thats makes you all ....." " NO!No !dont say like that we never think like that but we all having respect on you for being like this and always be like this ...i like the way how you are so" he just facepalmed himself in mind and " i mean we ..." " Thank you Jungkook shii" "im warning you again dont call me Jungkook shii just call with kookie, kook or anything NOt Jungkook shiii." he said with a cute pout and you laughed by seeing this and " ok then you are also not going to calling me Y/n shii ok call..." she didint complete her words " Princess! i can call you like that! it suits you right?" You just stunned by his words and got blushed and you didnt said anything and left from there ... Jungkook just got frusturated thinking that he made you uncomfortable he dont want to be like that for you ....

he just followed you and you didnt utter a word and went near ayerin ...

after exploring the city it almost night they had so much snacks so that they dont want dinner and planned to left for their places ...you saw Ayerin was smiling all the time whenever she sees taehyung,,you just left a big sigh and " ok shall we leave its already late and we have to reach our city without getting caught soo ..." " its ok we will drop you on your place " namjoon said to you " no no its ok we will manage !" " atleast come with us to our dorm ...why ?Y/n ah you dont want to spent some more time with us ahhh??" Jin asked ...You just shocked and surprised and say " Nae 나는 원한다 { yes i want to }.....

All are stunned that you spoke korean and " debak!!! you just spoke korean?" yoogi asked with surprised and 'Y/n ah !!! if you want to learn more korean i'll teach ok dont worry " hobi said and went share his number with her you just surprised that hobi shared his personal number with you ...

on the other hand someone was in jealous and Jimin was laughing silently saying "i think older one took lead than Younger one so sad " Jungkook just glared his hyung and Jimin just went from there to his car to save his precious life....


THEY went to the meeting room but

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THEY went to the meeting room but ..." dont be here just come with us to our dorm afterall we are friends now.." namjoon said you and ayerin both hesitate to go further but " hey ! dont worry if you dont feel comfortable its ok no probs..we just want to make feel like we are one ...." hobi said ,,, you too just looked each other and " no no its not like that ... we will come .." with that saying you both went to their dorm and just got amazed by seeing there dorm and " wowww" "wowww" you both said in unison and laughed together seeing together like this all the members felt happy and "just sit we will order something for you both " Jimin said and " No No Jiminshi its ok we already getting late so no thanks " Ayerin said Jimin was surprised and felt happy that Ayerin spoke with him very casually .....

"ok !then thank you so much for soending youe most precious time to us im really very much honoured by receiving your presence with us and "... "Y/n ahhh ... Why are you speaking so formally now ahhh??" Jin asked her and " sorry sorry but i have to thank you all for spend your time with us ...ahhh i dont want to became emotional again..... im an emotional person sorry ....." " its ok to be cry ....crying is not a crime and its doen't make you weak and just let it out if you want to no one going to judge you..." Jungkook said and you just lost in his words and feel comforted by his words....

"Ahhh ... i forgot to give this to you all take this ....its is small token of love towards BTS from ARMY..." opening there gifts all are mesmerized by seeing that and" ladies and gentlement !!did you all noticed the initials there ,,,it was made by the one and only Miss .Y/n shii ...."with that announcing Jungkook just started clapping his hands and " what ?i dont get it KOOKIE" " that initials are designed by Y/n i myself saw with my eyes i were with her all the time when she did this for us...thats why we came late ..."all are stunned to see your skills ..."im really impressed chingu yah!!! " with that saying Jimin went to hug you but stopped by Jungkook and said" how many time have to told you that you cant do that to her Jimini pabo...." all are thinking that Jungkook respecting her religion but who is going to tell them there maknae doing this in out of jealousy....

" im sorry really sorry Chingu yah!!" "its ok Jiminshii " all are checking there dress taehyung was shocked to see his initial with heart but for others its only intial without knowing himself he just smiling while caressing the initail with his thumb then ayering noticed that taehyung smiling she went near and " hey tae !! why are you smiling ? ahh show me ...." he cutted her words by saying " ahhhh .... it looks good she did my initial very nicely " with that saying he folded his kurta and put it in his bag and placed that in his cupboard.... Ayerin felt starnge about his behaviour and shrugged her thoughts and " im going to miss you tae.. dont forget about we will be in touch right... can we ..." she just try to touch his arms but "ahhhh Ayerin we dont want take this fast first let us know each other ok .. i know its really tough to do this in distance we will try to workout ok...." Tae just careesed her hair and nodded with a smile she also accepted and went to Y/n ....

"ok see you all maybe this is last i hink!!>" " dont said like this Y/n we will ... who knows we will come and meet you one day at you city maybe..." hobi said " insha allah" .....and NAMJOON SAID " wait we will arrange you a private plane to both of you reach safely without any dificulty .." " no! no! its ok its a very big favour ... we will manage no worry...." " just accept Miss we dont want you to get in trouble for meeting us we dont want to be a reason for that..." you just shocked that Taehyung spoke for your safety....

you both just accepted the offer and bidding bye to them and left to your room...

{sorry sorry for the very big chapter bae enjoy ,,}

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