New diffierent life

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y/n started going to college from which her father arranged for her on the early days of college she is not interested to go there because that collge also womens collge and muslim collge she just got frustuated then she got friends in her class and in the cab to so she quite like to go college because she had ayerin her side so .... sometimes y/n bunk classes with hr bench mates and also with cab mates she just enjoying her life not forgetting her deen also she never forget to offer her salah even she bunk her classes she always ended up in her college masjid to offer salah she was just so much love in allah that she dont want to neglect her salah ...

she just praying for her future husband because she is having crush over a drama actor she know that wont happen but she is in  so much crush that she expecting him to be his husband...but in end of her first year she got the news that her crush got married. her heart broked into million pieces and stop crushing over him and starts to concentrate in her studies and with her friends...

entering into the second year of her college they got very strict teacher they cant even bunk their class and y/n and her friends also not inerested om bunking class 😂because they already covered half of the city in their first year🤣so they just concentrating in studies... at that time y/n got an offer to participate in college cricket team y/n loves cricket and she also joined withiut knowing to her father if he know he will never allow her but she informed her mother she nver hide anything to her mother .her mother also allowed her to do her wishes ... she was best in that team ...all are praising how she is best in her place.😎but her happiness didnt last lomg her father knows that she is playing cricket but her shock he also allowed her ...

after some days in one fair y/n's relation came and spoke with her parents but because of their one word her whole world got down..."hey are you y/n right???.. why she became so dull and pigmented in childhood she was so cute but why now she is like this bhabhi{brothers wife}"..         thats all !!!!they decided to refuse for her cricket and again her world dumped into their wishes ,,,.....

she never wanted to live a life like this but she is living because of their friends she is roaming between them lively otherwise she was in depression she dont want to be a loser. she always wanted to do something in her life. at that time she got medicine for her soul less life ... that medicine is called BTS🤞


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