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you entered in.. andJungkook came to you "Princess !!! where were you both...where is taehyungie hyung?..."he just asked you and he bought the bags from you and... " I said..I already said I'm not going with her..." you just fliched by hearing Taehyung's voice....other members also came in the living room and sensed something happened between you both..." what happen ?? Tae.." " i already told you Hyung i'm not going with her but....because of her literally.. literally i wasted my time by searching our apartment for the 2 hours ...."Taehyung was complaning to Jin...

You were in a urge to suddenly stood up and" it's not my problem being like this...i didn't ask father made me this it my fault to be a dumb???...i'm also dont like to be a dumb but...what to do....i....i... b-became....i'm trying ..i'm just trying to be smart like other girls but...." you just started crying and you took your bag ready to leave " But..princess wait!!!... "i'm okay... Jungkook i'm going to college so..don't worry i'm okay...bye.." you just smiled weekly and ran out...

Taehyung felt a pang in his heart by hearing your you are struggling to become a mature person like what others wants from you....but he hurted you... Jungkook try to follow you but Jin hold his hand" Yahhh kook !!!Leave her she needs time...if you will go to her it'll became worst side for her so...leave her she will be alright when she divert her mind in studies ...ok..... Taehyungie....where are other stuffs?..." "AHHH i forgot in the car....i'll get them..." taehyung left to take stuffs....Jungkook was standing there like a statue by thinking how you were hurted by your father's strict raising method.....suddenly something strikes him and left out to reach were going by stairs and taehyung took the lift and came to took the stuffs from car and noticed something was there in the passenger's seat...he just took a tissue and try to wipe off ..he was shocked by seeing "BLOOD"..Then only he realised are on your periods but you didn't realise...

he searched for you...that time you were coming down by stairs...when he saw your backside he just quickly removed his sweatshirt and came near you and cover your backside without touching was shocked by the sudden act and" don't got stained...let me help you..." Taehyung said with stern voice.hearing his voice you got shivers down your spine.... he came infront of you and put a knot on the sleeves around you....still you were processing that what happening here....

Jungkook just stayed near the stairs and watched what was happened now...he also came behind you to notify you that about the stain...but before him Taehyung done he again went back to their apartment....and then...." You just stay here near the car ok !!! don't move i'll be back...hmmm!!!..." you just nodded your head and he left from there on a bike...{they are having bike to go nearest places bruhhh😜😜😜😜}....

Taehyung just searching for a women's clothing shop and " YES!!!!here it is...." taehyung found a shop and went inside ..he just searching for a undergarments section ..." Sir!! do you need any help...????" the store managing staff asked him and" Ahhhh!!!" he just standing there hesitantly " how can i help you can tell me!!!!" AHhhh... i just want some undergarments for my friend because she suddenly got her periods and got stained her clothes so can you please help me to buy for her...." " OHhh ...your girlfriend!!!!...she is really lucky to have you as a thought full you are....." AHHH ... no !no !!!...she is my..m-y my friend. only friend..." ""HMMM... even she is your friend then also she is lucky to have you beside her...ok then tell me how she looks...."

here you were waiting in the parking lot and...slowly you are feeling cramps..mostly you won't have cramps because you will get your periods in your home so your mother will give to cramps relive porridge to you now you got you are experiencing them....

"ahhh... she looks cute sometimes..sometimes childish but pure soul....she looks chubby..and" "wait!! wait!!...i'm asking her size not her character..." Taehyung just facepalmed himself and told her she gave a correct size and he bought and left to buy sanitary pads too....he quickly reached there and holding your abaya's sleeves and started dragging to their apartment....

after reaching there he starightly pulling you to his room and gave you the bags and his hoodie and payjamas to you and locked the room felt embrassed for what happened to you now...all are shocked to see how Taehyung dragged you to his room and locked you...."what happen Taehyung....ah..." Jin asked him but he didn't replied and waiting for you to come outside...

You were finished your stuffs and washed your clothes and his seatshirt too and wore his dress ..standing infront of the mirror you were wondering how cute you are looking in his dress and smiling like a mad girl ....

you came outside and all are worrying about you ...Jungkook also came near you and" Princess!!!...Are you ok??are you feeling cramps??" "you also know!!!!..." Jungkook just smiled and nodded his head as yes and Taehyung just staring at your didn't wear your shawl on your head... you are in a pony tail...he just mesmerized by thinking that how cute you are looking in his clothes....suddenly he realised what he was thinking and snapped out of his thoughts and..." how much You are going to spoil her kook....i cant believe that how can a girl dont know about her can you be this careless HAAAAnnn!!!.... answer me...!!!" you just flinched by his high voice and started hiding behind Jungkook and holding his sweatshirt from the back...

Jungkook sensing how you were scared and the way you were holding his sweatshirt tightly...."Hyung ...You are scaring her..." " Dont tell me that JUngkook....what if she goes out like this ahhh!!...there are lots of boys roaming around there...what if she will get embrassed herself between them...." you hold on jungkook's hoodie became strong....Jungkook understood you are more  tensed now and " Hyung.. now you are embrassing her by saying this infront of us...." then only Taehyung realised that what he said...leaving a big sigh he went to his room and closed the door on your seeing that you started crying slowly...Jungkook just turned around and watched you sniffing and crying he just smiled lightly..." why you didn't hide your hair ahhhh...???" by saying that he hide her hair by the hoodie's cap without touching her and slowly made her sit on the couch with the hoodie's sleeves and went to the kitchen...

{you all thinking that why Jungkook didn't felt anything when he saw her in open hair...because he already saw her....oneday she went to do ablution in his room and came out without wearing her shawl that time suddenly Jungkook came and saw her without shawl....for a moment he just forgot to breathe by seeing her simple beauty after realising what he was doing he just hung his head low and went out without making noise....for the whole she didn't know about Jungkook presence}

"Princess ...have this. you will feel better..." Jungkook came and gave a cup full of hot chocolate..." what is this bunny???" "this is hot chocolate don't know..???"you nodded your head as no...he just smiled and thought that how innocent you are....suddenly"hmmmmm....this was sooooo good bunny thank you soooo much...." you just drinking the hot chocolate and it spilling from your corner of your lips...Jungkook and nodded his head side by head and try to wipe that with tissue but " Yahhh!!! you messy devil..." Jimin came there out of nowhere and wiped chocolate from your mouth by tissue....

Jungkook was burning in jealousy and ..."yahhh Jimin shii...." Yah.... kook ..i didn't touch her...i wiped that with tissue pabo...stop acting like you are her father..." you just laughed by thier bickerings and enjoying your hot chocolate...but time to time you where watching the room which taehyung was staying....

"Princess we all are going to shopping do you wanna come??>>>" "no BUnny ,i'm feeling tired i'll take some rest you all go..." not all...Yoongi Hyung and Namjoon hyung were sleeping here and TAehyung....." he just paused for a moment and " Maybe he won't come so take care ahh!!!!....allah hafiz..." You smiled ear to ear how Jungkook learning islamic things from you...

you were roaming around the house and you went to taehyung's room and saw him sleeping like a baby you just clicked a pic of his sleeping figure but suddenly TAehyung make some moment you just scared and ran oot of the room thinking about his scoldings....then next you went to other room you saw Yoongi were sleeping with his mouth open and you had an idea and got his mobile and took a picture of him...{yes you know the password😜😜😜🤣🤣🤣} just got a pen from pen stand and started draw mostache and big eyebrows and dark cirlcles around his eyes...and went out laughing....all things are not unnoticesd by namjoon and he smiled at your naughtiness and went to his sleep....

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