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IT'S BEEN 4 MONTHS, you two were spending a quality time with eachother, eating together, cooking together, playing together...YES, you started playing video games with him...he taught you....but these all happening with a safe distance between you both...sometimes you both watch RUN BTS..... whenever you are watching, you always says " ahh.....i'm missing my bunny,i don't know even if he is missing me or not?..." you said with a pout. but someone was in jealous....whenever he feels jealous, the thing which he hurt you  , that only coming to his he just ignoring the feeling which always haunt him....

he always takes good care of you, even when you are in your mood swings , your naggings, your anger, your childish ness ...he beared all of your tantrums....he know about you fully morethan are melting by seeing his extreme care but you are negleting your feeling because he is  not it's haram to think about him....

Now a days , Taehyung was so much in love after seeing your care only for him.....for the past few days , Taehyung was only taking care of him....feeding him...taking care of him for the whole night.... on night ,because of fever ,he is not getting his sleep,,,.he just staring at one specific place...that was your were sleeping near the bed, while holding his hoodie sleeve...seeing you, he just smiling ear to ear....but within a minute he got his sleep and slept while seeing your face....

Whenever he said he is feeling distress, you always offer  a salah for him and make dua for him to feel ease and whenever you blew on his face he felt ease in his heart and just you turned to leave..." Y/n..." he just called you by pulling your sleeves...your heart skipped a beat because of sudden action....its not new that he is  pulling your sleeves to call you , but today you felt something in your stomach "BUTTERFLIES" 

"Nae ...Taehyung !!! you want anything?.." " hmmm.... can you recite Qur-an for me...because i'm feeling down today can you help me?....." you just smiled and nodded your head and went to bring Qur-an saw some changes in him...." Yah Allah...i saw some changes in him...please grant him Hidayah..and help him found his real path ....AAmeen...." 

you started reciting Qur-an with meaning and you both were sitting on the couch ...he seems  really serious while listening Qur-an....but suddenly he placed a pillow on you lap and laid his head on that were shocked by his behaviour...." you continue, this will ease my mind...don't worry not any of my body parts let it  touched you can trust me...."

 you were still processing the fact that what was happened now.....seeing him sleeping on your lap , you want him to hug him and ease his pain from  whatever he is suffering now....but you can't .....leaving a big sigh you started reciting Qur-an...After some minutes you heard a soft snoring sound..seeing his sleeping figure you were mesmerized by his beauty ......

but suddenly snapped out of your thoughts and slowly placed his head with pillow on sofa and  you left to the kitchen......


"why Can't we reach him...and beacuse of this lockdown i'm just doomed...because of you all...i'm going to doomded...whole fandam going to's all because of that mere girl..." BangPdnim was fumming in anger thinking that still they can't able to find Taehyung..." Pdnim....don't you dare to say a another word about her...she isn't in it's better to don' infere her in our chaos...." Suddenly Jimin spatted his words on Pdnim....

 other members where stunned to see his outburst....other side Jungkook was trying his best to find Taehyung and you...he know..he knows that You were with Taehyung only...Because he trust Taehyung....but something is bothering him...what if something bad happened to you both... because he was scared by your father's behaviour...what if he did something to you both....

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