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and there he was still crying silently,seeing him like you felt  a oang in your heart

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and there he was still crying silently,seeing him like you felt  a oang in your tried to wipe his tears but, he jerked your hand and went to go quickly went to him , and hugged his back....."please taehyung shii... don't leave me..i know i had done a can give me punishment or you can beat me, or scold me or do whatever you want....but please talk to me...i can't bear your silence please....." he just can't take the please word,  it melted his heart.....

he just pulled out your hands away and again walked away from you to the hold his wrist by stopping him " Atleast stay here , it's already late....i know you will stay in hotel...i don't know whether you booked or not.... but please stay here please......for tonight " he left a big sigh and went guided him to your room and gave his clothes to him to change....he was surprised by seeing his clothes from you ...." ahhhhh...i don't want to feel alone without you...that's why i took this with me from your lugguage....." you just scratching your back while saying.....

he just smiled without knowing you and went to change his clothes without saying anything.....
after coming out from the washroom , he saw you were setting the bed to sleep...he just chuckled seeing that you wearing the hoodie in which his face was imprinted.....and he just standing there by adoring  your cuteness and felt happy seeing your crazyness over him.......

you were busy in setting the bed, he cleared his throat for getting your turned to see him, your breath hitched by seeing him with wet were drooling over him....why not ? after all you got a hot and handsome man for you.....but, suddenly your view intrupted by him taking  pillows with him and went to sleep on the floor beside the were confused and shocked too...

"Taehyung shii..... Taehyung shii...." there was no left a big sigh and realised that what he was going to do....." TAehyung shiii...i know you did'nt sleep yet...and you can' don't have the habit of sleeping like to sleep while hugging me....." hearing your words, his eyes shot open and got up to speak but you cutted him by "i mean sleep always while hugging pillows... that what i mean....." seeing his stare you shutted your mouth and sitting there while pouting.....

Seeing your cute pout he wanted to tease you more...he is not going to let this go so easily.....he again turned his back and trying to sleep.....he is struggling to sleep on the you decided to made him sleep on the be and you decided to sleep on the don't want him to force to sleep with have your limits too......

for a moment, no one spoke....."Taehyung shii....."you broke the silence first and you don't want him to sleep on the floor...." Taehyung don't need to sleep on the floor....i'll sleep....i know what you are trying to don't want me to hug you while sleeping as my punishment" said with a pout....."i'll accept my punishment....please you don't need to do anything.....come and sleep here ...i'll sleep on the don't have the habit to sleep on the will make you uncomfortable....please......." while saying this you started taking the pillows and bedsheets to sleep on the floor....

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