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double update enjoy.....

You were coming out from the cab and seeing your cab mates playing with the cab driver and "Yah...ANNA{calling brother in their language} why you came so early today's quite boring to go inside the college and even if we go there the watchman won't allow us until its time for the afternoon just cruel....why are you driving so fast?" you said with a pout and" it's in my gene..what to do..i love to drive fast..." "if you want drive fast just try it on your own vehicle not with fool" your cab mate mocked him... and they started chasing eachother...

Seeing your pout and smile Jungkook was melted by your gestures and started smiling on his own...on the other hand someone's heart also melting by seeing you smiling but got sad by seeing your pale and week figure....

Two days passed ,no one informed Ayerin about there arrival and watching you from there i'm going to inform about our arrival to Ayerin...i want to meet her...means meet Y/n ..." Jimin informed to others and called Ayerin....

"Hey!!! " Hey!!! Jimin shii... you all came!!!..." " Yes...can you Bring Y/n .... we want to meet her...." "Today??" "Yes...Today .. come fast..." " ok! we are on the way ...wait for little bit...i'm coming with your princess..." 

They were waiting for your arrival...." Yah!!!Y/n come here...we have to go somewhere..." " Where??..." why ? you won't come without knowing the place...ah do you trust me? " " Ofcourse jaan....if you ask me to come with you anywhere i'll come...happy!!>" you both just squilled with eachother cuteness and finally she took you to the apartment which was on the next street were confused that why she taking you here?" Yah!! jaan ...why are we here?is there someone who you know?.." "HMMM... YES...i want you to meet them..." "them"...

You were fully confused why she is telling "THEM"....
FINALLY you too arrived infront of the apartment.. seeing your friend's nervous state you just confused and suddenly the door opened" come in... we have to go inside...." you just went inside with nervousness...then suddenly"BOOM" "SURPRISE" were just stunned to react just felt that your soul went out from your seeing them{BTS} infront of you.....

you were standing like a statue....not getting a response from you..all are shocked that...maybe you got a attack...."Yah!!!! Y/n ...Y/n....are you there..." Ayerin just shaking you for your response and....You just started laughing...but suddenly you got emotional...."I Can't believe that you all are here....i've just craved for your presence..."by saying that you got down on your knees and started crying..." I thought you all forgot me...." you were a crying mess now and Ayerin hugged you and trying to comfort you...but you were crying very badly....

"Princess!!!!...." Hearing this word you stopped crying and Jungkook bend down to your level..." If you are crying like this...means you don't like our presence right?...." you nodded you head as no and..." because of our presence made you cry so... i think we have to leave..."Jungkook just winked at others and started leaving ..." Yah!!!!...MUSCLE BUNNY....I think you need a punch..."

with that saying you started chasing him and he also started running around the living room....and they came beside Ayerin and suddenly Y/n stumbled over Ayerin ....she just fell on Jimin and both landed on the couch...they both were looking each other and Someone fake coughed and getting  their attention... it Was KIM TAEHYUNG....

Then, Taehyung Came there and helped Ayerin to make her stand this Chaos..someone's chasing was not done yet,,,,You and jungkook were still in the chasing project...finally Jungkook fell on the couch and you started hitting him with the Pillow...."How dare Ahhh!!!! have the dare to leave me ahh....You Little bunny...." "Yah!!!...i'm just trying to change your mood that's why i said that..." You just made a curved smile....and..

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